Friday, January 31, 2020

PM 'hopes the Palestinians give up dream of destroying Israel and live with us in peace, and Anti-Semitism On The Rise In Brooklyn (NYC) and 3D images of Noah's Ark to be shown in documentary and is it proper to use an Art Scroll Gemora over the Original?

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Yehuda Lave is an author, journalist, psychologist, rabbi, spiritual teacher and coach, with degrees in business, psychology and Jewish Law. He works  with people from all walks of life and helps them in their search for greater happiness, meaning, business advice on saving money,  and spiritual engagement

Love Yehuda Lave

If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.

Mark Twain

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.

Nora Roberts

Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habit.


PM 'hopes the Palestinians give up dream of destroying Israel and live with us in peace.

Netanyahu: Palestinians will not get a better deal

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu urged the Palestinian Authority to accept the peace plan presented by the Trump Administration yesterday, warning that they would "not get a better deal."

In an interview with Fox News, Netanyahu said: "President Trump provides a peace plan that will allow a deal that will give Israel and the Palestinians peace and security. We can move forward together. It's a concrete plan that can work."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The president offers a great vision for economic development for the Palestinians, which will give hope to the youth, for the future. It is a plan that will change the Middle East," the prime minister claimed. "I hope the Palestinians accept the agreement, the $50 billion to help them, and give up the dream of destroying Israel and living with us in peace."

Netanyahu noted that '' compromise is needed from each side, but I am ready for these compromises. The Palestinians are currently rejecting the deal, but later they will realize that they will not get a better deal. "

The proposal to apply sovereignty to the communities in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley is expected to be raised at a government meeting scheduled for next Tuesday.

3D images of Noah's Ark to be shown in documentary

Footage of 'actual images of Noah's Ark' to be incorporated in new documentary Noah's Ark-2, says director Cigdem Alyanak


The ship-shaped formation discovered half a century ago in eastern Turkey has opened new horizons about Noah's Ark with its three-dimensional images.  

Discovered in 1959 in the Dogubayazit district of Agri province by Captain Ilhan Durupinar, an expert cartographer, Noah's Ark, also mentioned in the holy books, is a legend for some and a fact waiting to be proved for others.

Computer Engineer and Archeologist Andrew Jones and Geophysicist John Larsen modelled the formation three-dimensionally to examine it thoroughly and shared their findings with Cem Sertesen, the director of the documentary Noah's Ark, released in 2017.

Sertesen told Anadolu Agency about the study and shared a footage which will also be incorporated in his new documentary Noah's Ark-2.

"These are the actual images of the Noah's Ark. They are neither fake nor simulation. They show the entire ship buried underground," Sertesen said.

Stressing that the images were gathered by sending electric signals underground via cables, Sertesen said: "It's a ship, but it's too early to be called Noah's Ark.

"We have to do a lot of work. This can only be done with the support of universities and the Turkish state," he said.

Sertesen completed the documentary "Noah's Ark" in 2017 after a 22-year process.

He went on to say that the study was carried out to activate the scientific community.

Geophysicists also collect seeds and plants to determine the age of the region, Sertesen added. 

History of discovery 

After the publication of the discovery in national newspapers and magazines, renowned photogrammetry and earth scientist Arthur Brandenberger at Ohio University received permissions from the military administration and studied the area with his team.

The delegation prepared an eight-page report at the end of the study, but Durupinar received a half-page ordinary report. The laboratory results of the pieces taken from the ship remained a mystery. 

Walt Disney's investment demand 

Sertesen completed the documentary "Noah's Ark" in 2017 after a 22-year process.

He went on to say that the study was carried out to activate the scientific community.

Geophysicists also collect seeds and plants to determine the age of the region, Sertesen added. 

The underground radar images detected a ship's body and an 80-page scientific report said: ''It is highly likely that the formation underground is a ship. Archaeological excavations must be launched before winter".

Bayraktutan's initiative later made the area a protected archeological site.

* Writing by Erdogan Cagatay Zontur


Is It Proper…? Should a person feel guilty for using an English ArtScroll Gemara (as opposed to struggling with the original Aramaic)? By Jewish Press Staff

It is clearly better to learn Gemara in its original language and not in translation. When students rely on an English translation, they unfortunately will lose the opportunity to gain the necessary skills to be able to open a Gemara on their own and understand it.

But if we're discussing an adult without background who may find it too difficult to follow the Aramaic, the demand that he study in the original is unrealistic.

The question is most relevant for the adult who is a yeshiva graduate but finds it easier and more convenient to use the ArtScroll. When he doesn't put in the effort to open a traditional Gemara, he sends a message to his children to take the easy way out, which
has many ramifications.

For an analogy: It is permissible to pray in any language, but there are many reasons why it is preferable to daven in Hebrew.

— Rabbi Yosef Blau, mashgiach ruchani at YU's
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary

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Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier

It was about 25 years ago at my chag hasemicha when a friend of my mother, a"h, offered to buy me an ArtScroll Gemara set. My attitude was: I greatly appreciate it, but I would prefer if I could choose something else because real men don't use ArtScroll.

It wasn't much later that I found myself in the beis medrash often consulting ArtScroll because, despite the fact that I spent many, many years in yeshiva, there are often words I'm not completely familiar with or I just want to quickly look at the footnotes.

Today, I have a complete set of ArtScroll in my study, and I often open and use it. So while I may have had different feelings back then, I feel no guilt whatsoever now [using an ArtScroll]. It makes it easier to learn.

— Rabbi Ben Zion Shafier, founder of The Shmuz

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Rabbi Marc D. Angel

The Talmud (Shabbat 31a) cites the opinion of Rava about what we will be asked when we eventually come before the heavenly court. One of the questions is: "Kavata itim leTorah? – Did you set aside fixed times to study Torah?" Regular study of Torah is expected of us, and we will have to answer for ourselves in due course.

Torah study can be in any language one understands. The important thing is to understand what we read and to connect our study to service of Hashem. Over the centuries, Jews have studied Torah in many languages – Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Arabic, Spanish, German, Yiddish etc. I hope and assume that none of those Jews ever felt guilty for studying in the vernacular they understood.

When one studies Talmud today, it's fine to use editions that provide translations and explanations in the vernacular. The goal is to understand what we read. It is hoped, though, that one will eventually become proficient enough to study the original text on its own.

No one should ever feel guilty for studying Torah in the vernacular. Guilt should only be felt if we fail to set aside times for Torah study each day. The heavenly court has its question ready for us. Let us be sure to have our answer ready.

— Rabbi Marc D. Angel, director of the
Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals

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Rabbi Zev Leff

Aside from the mitzvah and benefit of acquiring Torah knowledge, the process of learning Gemara is itself a mitzvah and beneficial. The toil and effort involved in delving into the depths of Talmudic discussions condition one's mind to think as the Torah thinks, which in essence is the way Hashem thinks. A mere translation of the text of the Talmud to a certain degree minimizes this process and limits it to a singular understanding.

But the ArtScroll translation was never meant to replace learning Gemara from the original source. It was meant to, as stated on the cover, to serve as "an aid to Talmud study." It was meant, not as a source for someone who is immersed in Talmudic study in a yeshiva, but as an aid to clarify words or ideas that are preventing one [from proceeding] with the basic flow of the text.

It's also for people who have minimal set times for learning [e.g., they only have] a Daf Yomi shiur and are learning basically to acquire the information the Talmud presents (bekius) and are not significantly able to delve into the process (iyun).

— Rabbi Zev Leff, rav of Moshav Matisyahu,
popular lecturer and educator

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Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet

ArtScroll has become the go-to source for those studying Gemara. I have, to my surprise, observed people who are otherwise considered learned, using an ArtScroll on occasion.

To be sure, back in my Ner Yisroel days, the closest one got to an ArtScroll was the Jastrow dictionary, and even that was a rarity and frowned upon. Of course, it's not just about the learning, but learning how to learn that remains paramount.

That said, time pressures today are considerable and all too often one is rushing to prepare a shiur or learn Daf Yomi within those constraints. It may well take considerably more time to prepare when learning from the original Aramaic and using an ArtScroll provides the ideal alternative.

One can argue about the catch-22 involved (since regular struggle with the original Aramaic would make one more proficient so that, in time, one wouldn't have to resort to a crutch), but there is certainly no need to feel guilty about using the ArtScroll. Thank G-d one is learning!

It is also undeniable that many without a yeshiva background are studying today on account of ArtScroll, and anything that enhances learning is laudable.

But it should not become the acceptable norm. I think a balance can be struck where needs [may necessitate using an ArtScroll], while time should be set aside to nurture one's learning ability and enhance one's Gemara skills.

— Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, popular Lubavitch
lecturer, rabbi of London's Mill Hill Synagogue

Anti-Semitism On The Rise In Brooklyn (NYC)

Anti-Semitism is on the rise In Brooklyn, New York.

Reporter talks to Afro Americans on the street

Thomas Sowell on the second edition of Intellectuals and Society

On the occasion of the publication of a new edition of his book Intellectuals and Society, Thomas Sowell returns to Uncommon Knowledge for a wide-ranging interview.

The link is too long to connect directly (It is about an hour), but you can copy and paste the link below

See you Sunday bli neder Shabbat Shalom

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

PO Box 7335, Rehavia Jerusalem 9107202


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