Thursday, October 8, 2020

Hebrew U receives the world's largest collection of Holy Land postcards and Why Are They Capitalizing ‘Black’? By Dennis Prager and lockdown jokes and 2020 Democrats Should Listen to 2016 Democrats. #FillThatSeat! and enjoy this fifth and final day of Chul Amoud and learn about Shemini Atzeret on Saturday and Simchas Torah outside of Israel on Sunday and How Many Americans Have Died From COVID-19?

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Yehuda Lave is an author, journalist, psychologist, rabbi, spiritual teacher, and coach, with degrees in business, psychology and Jewish Law. He works with people from all walks of life and helps them in their search for greater happiness, meaning, business advice on saving money, and spiritual engagement.

Love Yehuda Lave

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Today I am writing about Shemini Atzeret and tomorrow about Simchas Torah a separate holiday outside of Israel but combined in Israel on Saturday this year

The Three Musketeers at the Kotel
Shemini Atzeret (שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת‎—"Eighth [day of] Assembly

Shemini Atzeret (שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת‎—"Eighth [day of] Assembly is a major Jewish holiday. It is celebrated on the 22nd day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei in the Land of Israel, and on the 22nd and 23rd outside the Land, usually coinciding with late September or early October. It directly follows the Jewish festival of Sukkot which is celebrated for seven days, and thus Shemini Atzeret is literally the eighth day. It is a separate—yet connected—holy day devoted to the spiritual aspects of the festival of Sukkot. Part of its duality as a holy day is that it is simultaneously considered to be both connected to Sukkot and also a separate festival in its own right.

Outside the Land of Israel, this is further complicated by the additional day added to all Biblical holidays except Yom Kippur. The first day of Shemini Atzeret, therefore, coincides with the eighth day of Sukkot outside the Land of Israel, leading to sometimes involved analysis as to which practices of each holiday are to apply.

The celebration of Simchat Torah is the most distinctive feature of the holiday, but it is a later rabbinical innovation. In the Land of Israel, the celebrations of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are combined on a single day, and the names are used interchangeably. In the Diaspora, the celebration of Simchat Torah is deferred to the second day of the holiday. Commonly, only the first day is referred to as Shemini Atzeret, while the second is called Simchat Torah.

Biblical origins

According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Atzeret (or aẓeret) is the name given to this day in four different locations in the Hebrew Bible. Shemini: "Eighth Day" of Sukkot

When Shemini Atzeret is mentioned in the Torah (Pentateuch), it is always mentioned in the context of the seven-day festival of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, which it immediately follows. For example, Sukkot is described in detail in Leviticus 23:33–43.[10] Shemini Atzeret is mentioned there only in verses 36 and 39.

The Hebrew word Shemini means eighth. This refers to the date of Shemini Atzeret relative to Sukkot; it falls on the eighth day. It is therefore often assumed that Shemini Atzeret is simply the eighth day of Sukkot. That characterization, however, is only partly accurate.

The celebration of Sukkot is characterized by the use of the sukkah (booth or tabernacle) and the Four Species (tree branches and fruit used in the celebration). However, the Torah specifies the use of those objects for seven days only, not eight. The observance of Shemini Atzeret, therefore, differs in substantial ways from that of Sukkot. The Talmud describes Shemini Atzeret with the words "a holiday in its own right"

The Talmud describes six ways in which Shemini Atzeret differs from Sukkot. Four of these relate principally to the Temple service. Two others remain relevant to the modern celebration of the holiday. First, the blessing known as Shehecheyanu is recited on the night of Shemini Atzeret, just as it is on the first night of all other major Jewish holidays. Second, the holiday is referred to distinctively as "Shemini Atzeret" and not as "Sukkot" in the prayer service.

These religious celebrations conclude the process that had begun on the days of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year) and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, observed ten days after the start of Rosh Hashanah. Five days after the conclusion of Yom Kippur, Sukkot begins, regarded as the celebration of the anticipated Divine "good judgment" that was hopefully granted on the High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah + the Ten Days of Repentance + Yom Kippur) and then Hoshana Rabbah + Shemini Atzeret + Simchat Torah culminate the process of open celebration and festivity with joyous prayers, festive meals, and hours of dancing holding the Torah scroll(s) at the center of attention during the hakafot in the synagogue.

Like most Jewish holidays of Biblical origin, Shemini Atzeret is observed for one day within the Land of Israel, and traditionally for two days outside Israel.


RABBI SCHWARTZ'S TERRIBLE LOCKDOWN JOKES OF THE WEEK Honey, My parents are on the phone. Are we not going to them this Yom Tov or are they not coming to us…?

5780 Rosh Hashana Resolution-Kabalah- stay away from people that are negative

5781- Rosh Hashana Resolution Kabalah- Stay away from people that test positive

People say that the new lockdown rules are complicated. But for those used to Jewish law, they are quite easy.

The Coronavirus is contagious only from 2:00 today until after Simchat Torah. Except from 6:07 in Jerusalem or 6:03 in Karmiel and 6:05 in Bnai Brak Yom Kippur until after the fast where it is not contagious for the first 20 people in the synagogue, or 10 people in the courtyard. After that, it is very dangerous. But that is only for those 20 people that live within a KM that have that magical protection if you are outside of the 1 KM "eruv" you are at risk. If you are protesting it is not dangerous at all… masks should be the size of tefach depending on the shiur that you follow. Like a half, a machine matzah should work.

We are entering the 10 days of repentance when it is customary to ask forgiveness from everyone for all the pain we caused them. When 2020 is ready to ask I'm all ears.

The problem with masks is that Rosh Hashana I was adjusting my mask and ended up buying Shlishi for far more than I had wanted to.

I'm starting a chesed fund campaign soon…
Rosh Hashana was on the only two days of the week that we already have off from work and Sukkos has the longest Chol Hamoed when we are all going to be locked up anyways… Classic 2020 move!

Every year we begin our Kol Nidrei service in shul granting permission for us to daven with all of the sinners.

This year all of the sinners have not given us permission to daven in shul….

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Joe Biden, "This morning, three Brazilian people died from Covid-19."Biden's face went egg-shell white with shock. The blood drained from his face and to everyone's amazement, he collapsed on the floor. Minutes passed and to everyone's relief, Biden got up shakily and then sat back on his chair. His staff was nothing less than stunned at this display of emotion from Joe Biden, nervously watching as he sat, head in hands. Finally, Joe looked up and with a shaky quivering voice asked Dr.Fauci, "How many people is a brazillion?

2020 Democrats Should Listen to 2016 Democrats. #FillThatSeat!

Trump administration has recruited a Chassidic singer to help raise awareness about the coronavirus in Orthodox Jewish communities in New York City and its surrounding areas amid a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases.

He also noted that he will be interviewing U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir, presumably to gain more information about the situation and what specific measures can be instituted to contain it over and above the general guidelines of hand-washing, social distancing and wearing a face mask.

I was approached by the @HHSGov to help bring awareness of anything Covid-19 related to the Orthodox Jewish community & beyond. I will be interviewing Admiral Dr. Brett Giroir @HHS_ASH. Please reply below with any questions or concerns, and we will do our utmost to address them.8:48 PM · Sep 23, 2020

In 2018, Lemmer, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y., became the first Chassidic singer to sign with a major U.S. record label, Decca Gold, a division of Universal Music.

Shulem - Bring Him Home

Shulem - Piano Man (Live)

Shulem performs a beautiful rendition of Piano Man, live on tour at the Manhattan JCC, October 2018. Accompanied by leading Broadway musical director, Andy Einhorn.

Why Are They Capitalizing 'Black'?

By Dennis Prager

A few months ago, I noticed that the word "black" in my published column appeared with a capital "B." As I had submitted the column with "black" spelled with a lower case "b," I contacted my editor to find out why what I had written was changed. She responded that the syndicate was following the Associated Press' rules of style, a common practice in journalism and book writing.

On July 20, the AP published "Explaining AP style on Black and white," in which it explained:

AP's style is now to capitalize Black in a racial, ethnic or cultural sense, conveying an essential and shared sense of history, identity and community among people who identify as Black, including those in the African diaspora and within Africa. The lowercase black is a color, not a person. AP style will continue to lowercase the term white in racial, ethnic and cultural senses."

The AP explanation is drivel.

There is no "shared sense of history, identity and community among people who identify as black, including those in the African diaspora and within Africa."

Only left-wingers believe such nonsense. Not only is there no shared culture or sense of identity that unites blacks outside and inside Africa, there is also no shared culture among blacks in Africa and none among blacks outside of Africa ("the African diaspora"). The only thing all blacks have in common is geographic origin (but since it is said that we all emanate from Africa, that means little) and color.

Historically, the only identity Africans shared with other Africans was a tribal identity. That is why (black) Hutus could perpetrate the most concentrated mass murder since the Holocaust against (black) Tutsis. That is why black Africans were indispensable to the transatlantic slave trade. Those who rounded up other Africans to sell to Europeans felt no moral obligation, let alone a "shared identity," with the Africans they sold.

What does a black raised in the Bronx have in common with a black raised in Cameroon? The answer is: Nothing. They have as little in common as a white from the Bronx and a black from Cameroon.

What does a Brazilian black have in common with a black from Chicago or a black from Uganda? Nothing.

Does Sen. Kamala Harris, the California daughter of a black and an (Asian) Indian, have more in common with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or with a tribal chief in Togo? Or, for that matter, more in common with white Pelosi or black Candace Owens or black Larry Elder?

The AP decision, adopted by The New York Times and followed by the rest of the media herd, is based on lies. And, like the rest of the left's race-based lies, it is pure pandering. It is another attempt to depict blacks as inherently different from non-black human beings. That's why the AP offered this explanation for why "white" should not be capitalized:

"After a review and period of consultation, we found, at this time, less support for capitalizing white. White people generally do not share the same history and culture, or the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color. … capitalizing the term white, as is done by white supremacists, risks subtly conveying legitimacy to such beliefs."

The reason the AP offers for not capitalizing "white" is also based on a lie: "White people generally do not share the same history and culture."

As it happens, white people "generally" share far more history and culture than do blacks. Whites come from Europe, and the vast majority of them have shared the Christian religion and the Bible. There is nothing analogous among the vast majority of blacks. Moreover, even today, in a post-Christian Europe, a Croatian and an Irishman have more in common than a Kenyan and a Congolese, let alone a black from the Bronx.

As for giving succor to white supremacists if "white" were capitalized, given that white supremacists agree with The New York Times and the rest of the left that there is something inherently different about blacks, why doesn't capitalizing "black" also risk "conveying legitimacy" to white supremacist beliefs?

Yes, there is such a thing as African American culture and shared experience. There is such a thing as African Brazilian culture and shared experience. But there is no such thing as a shared black culture.

So, if you want to tell the world how woke you are, how you follow the herd and how little truth matters to you, capitalize "black." But if you respect blacks, respect the truth, and respect yourself, don't.

Black is a color, not a culture.


...הַאֲזִינוּ הַשָּׁמַיִם

The word הַאֲזִינוּ (listen) comes from the root אזן (OZEN)

אוזן - OZEN - ear

מאוזן - ME'UZAN - horizontal, balanced

איזן - IZUN - balance

* Note: in Hebrew the word ear - OZEN and the word balance - IZUN have the same root אזן , insinuating that the vestibular mechanism, responsible for keeping us physically balanced, is located within our ears.

How Many Americans Have Died From COVID-19?

Do everyday Americans have accurate perceptions of COVID-19? Will Witt
is back on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles to find out. (P.S. Don't
miss the ending!)

Hebrew U receives the world's largest collection of Holy Land postcards

David Pearlman did extensive research on them and provided HU researchers with valuable annotations and a complete catalog of his 130,000 postcard collection. "It has truly been a labor of love."


Postcard from world's largest collection of Holy Land postcards at Hebrew University (photo credit: HEBREW UNIVERSITY)

Postcard from world's largest collection of Holy Land postcards at Hebrew University

(photo credit: HEBREW UNIVERSITY)

Remember postcards, those pictures we used to send before

Instagram and Facebook to show each other where we went on vacation?

Vintage postcards feature beautiful images and design and are a window

into what previous generations thought was interesting and exotic. For

the past 60 years, British historian and collector David Pearlman has

amassed the world's largest collection of Holy Land postcards and is now

donating his vast collection to the Folklore Research Center at the Hebrew University (HU) of Jerusalem's Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, through the British Friends of Hebrew University.


British historian and collector David Pearlman (Credit: Hebrew University)

British historian and collector David Pearlman (Credit: Hebrew University)For over 60 years, Pearlman – a London-based accountant by day and a collector by night – searched auction houses, private collections and estate sales to piece together his "Postcards of Palestine" collection.

It is the largest of its kind in the world, numbering 130,000 postcards. The collection documents Israel's history, from the Ottoman Period and British Mandate to the early pioneers, from the Six Day War through the early 21st century. It documents historic events from General Allenby's visit to Jerusalem in 1917 and Lord Balfour's attendance at the grand opening of Hebrew University in 1925 to the creation of the State of Israel and the emergence of new cities like Tel Aviv."I began collecting stamps as a young boy and graduated to postcards when I realized that instead of collecting dull postage stamps I could collect these beautiful cards," Pearlman recalled. "I kept them in shoe boxes in my garage all these years. At a certain point, the collection grew so large that I began to park my car on the street to make room for more shoe boxes."

Postcard from world's largest collection of Holy Land postcards at Hebrew University (Credit: Hebrew University)

Postcard from world's largest collection of Holy Land postcards at Hebrew University (Credit: Hebrew University)Another interesting facet of the collection is that it features an abundance of artwork by leading 20th-century Bezalel artists, such as Meir Ben Gur Aryeh, Ephraim Lilllien and Zeev Raban, as well as photography by an artist known as, "Karimeh Abbud - Lady Photographer," one of the first female photographers in the Arab World.

Today is the fifth day of Chul Amoud. Think of all the fun you would have had in a normal year and not a lockdown and hope we return to normal soon.

See you tomorrow bli neder.

We Need Moshiach now

Love Yehuda Lave

Yehuda Lave, Spirtiual Advisor and Counselor

Jerusalem, Jerusalem

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