Thursday, October 23, 2014

These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn and will be using fusion by 2015

 Be Honorable By Treating Others With Respect

The Sages in Pirkei Avos (4:1) define the honorable person as 'someone who shows honor and respect to other people' They are teaching us that it's not how other people treat you that makes you important and honorable. Rather, it's how you treat others.

When you realize that every human being is created in the image of the Almighty, you realize that right from birth every human being is important and valuable. By being respectful to other human beings, you add to your self-respect. You recognize that when you treat others with respect, you are expressing respect to the Creator.

Love Yehuda Lave

Lockheed makes breakthrough on fusion energy project

Nuclear fusion has been described as the 'holy grail' of energy. The Maryland-based company said it would test a compact fusion reactor in less than a year, and build a prototype in five years.

Read the full story:

17 October 2014

If you had one prayer that you wanted the Almighty to fulfill, what would it be? Would it be wealth, fame, success? Judging by the people I meet, invariably they tell me, "Rabbi, if you have good health, you have everything!"

About 2,000 years ago the Sages redacted the Shemoneh Esray (also called the Amidah) -- the prayer we pray three times a day. It has 3 sections: 1) Praises of the Almighty (we should recognize the Source of all our blessings) 2) Personal and National requests 3) Thanks to the Almighty for all that He has given us. What do you think the first request the Rabbis instructed us to ask from the Almighty each day? Wisdom! The Almighty should grant us the ability to think, to make distinctions, gain insights and to make decisions with wisdom.

Why not ask for health first? Many years ago I asked my teacher, Rabbi Noah Weinberg, of blessed memory, that question. He replied, "What would you say if I told you about a person I know who is over 100 years old and in perfect health?" After I replied that it sounded fabulous, he asked, "And what would you say if I told you that he's been in coma for 30 years? There is more to life than physical health. Whatever the Almighty gives you -- including health challenges -- is your opportunity to fulfill your purpose in this world for spiritual growth and character refinement. For that, you need awareness and the ability to think."

The Almighty is constantly speaking to us. Whatever happens to us, who we meet, what we see -- these are messages. It is up to us to be aware and to think about our lives and how we are progressing in all aspects of our life and our relations. I once saw a beautiful quote: There are 3 types of people -- 1) Those who make things happen 2) Those who watch things happen 3) Those who ask, "What happened?".

One tool to build awareness and to aid in personal growth is to make a daily accounting before you go to sleep. Growth and accomplishment only comes through focus and effort. Each day ask yourself: 1) What am I living for? 2) What did I do towards my goal today? 3) What did I do away from my goal today? 4) What is a better goal to work towards? 5) What do I have in my life for which I should be grateful? If you do this, you will find that you will have more appreciation of life and greater accomplishment.

This week's Torah portion is Noah. The following anonymous piece was sent to me which I edited. Perhaps it's a bit whimsical, but hopefully it will encourage you to think about what you see, what you read, what you do -- and to ask, "What can I learn from this?"


Don't miss the boat
Build on high ground
If you can't fight or flee---float!!
For safety's sake, travel in pairs
Stay below deck during the storm
Don't forget that we're all in the same boat
Don't listen to critics - do what has to be done
If you have to start over, have a friend by your side
Plan ahead ... It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark
Take care of your animals as if they were the last ones on earth
When things get really deep, don't sit there and complain--shovel!!!
Remember the woodpeckers. An inside threat is often bigger than the one outside
Speed isn't always an advantage. The cheetahs were on board but ... so were the snails
Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone might ask you to do something REALLY big


Some beautiful scenes in two different seasons

Tu Hwnt I'r Bont Tearoom in Llanrwst, North Wales
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by unicorn81
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by g7preston
Gapstow Bridge, New York, USA
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Jessica Jenney
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by BooRad0859
Apartment Building Facade
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
Forest Lake In Poland
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Kacper Kowalski
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Kacper Kowalski
Poet's Walk, Central Park, New York, USA
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Eddie Crimmins
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Vivienne Gucwa
Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by nipomen2
Glenfinnan Viaduct, Scotland
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Martin Molcan
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Andrew Shaland
Lake Island, Poland
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Kacper Kowalski
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Kacper Kowalski
Capitol Creek Valley
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Wayne Boland
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Alex Burke
Kilchurn Castle, Scotland
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Mathieu Noel
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by fen_snapz
Grand Island East Channel Light House, Michigan, USA
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn
photo by Jim Liestman
These Incredible Photos Reveal the Beautiful Transitions of Autumn