Monday, June 15, 2015

Botswana-safari--now you don't have to go to Africa--you would never see this many animals

Build On your Spouse's Image

If your spouse portrays a picture of him/herself more positively than you feel is accurate, accept it. Build upon it. It is frequently a mistake to try to demolish this picture. By building upon it, you create a more positive future reality.

People tend to act in ways that are consistent with their view of themselves. For example, your spouse might say, "I consider myself to be very considerate." Let's say you disagree and feel that your spouse has a long way to go to fit this picture. You would like your spouse to be more considerate, wouldn't you? Therefore, it is best to express gratitude for the consideration already displayed. By doing so you have a better chance of having a more considerate spouse. If you argue, there is a good chance you will end up in a no-win quarrel. Even if your spouse ends up agreeing with you, it is not likely that your approach will improve their character.

Regarding the female member of the team, the Hebrew concept of Gematria takes the Hebrew letters of the word and compares words tht have the same numerical result. There are 22 Hebrew letters and they are given a point value starting from one to 400. Each letter always keeps the same point value so when you hit words that have the same points there is a relationship. The words for wife, constructive criticism (Mussar in Hebrew) and honey (devash) all have the same point value. We learn from this that the wife is to give the husband constructive criticism but with sweetness.

Love Yehuda Lave

Change is a challenging process even when we are tackling the most routine of habits. Often we want to grow, but we find ourselves stuck when we try to begin. The biggest obstacles to change stem from our distorted ideas about the process itself. Here are six common mistakes we often make about change.

1. We think we automatically learn from experience. Experience can be a great teacher, but we don't learn from it without careful evaluation of what exactly we learned. Lessons from the past help us only when we remember them and are aware of them in our daily lives.

2. We leave God out of the process. We often try to grow on our own, relying on the sheer strength of our willpower. This can only take us so far before we realize that we need God's help and guidance. Our faith in God gives us much needed hope and makes the impossible possible.

3. We expect life to be 'fair' and comfortable. It's difficult to grow when we are looking over our shoulders wondering why everyone else's life looks easier. Life isn't necessarily 'fair' and sometimes our lives really are harder than others. But growth isn't comfortable or fair. When we put aside our ideas of what is unfair and decide to push through the discomfort, we are ready to change.

4. We expect ideas and inspiration to change us, without taking concrete action. Every now and then we learn a great idea or see a motivating quote. We are inspired and moved to change. But if the idea isn't translated into action it will be soon forgotten.

5. We don't start as soon as we can. The longer we wait to take action, even the smallest step forward, the harder it will be to grow. When is the best time to begin? Right now.

6. We think change and the formulation of new habits should happen quickly. According to the 2009 study published by European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes approximately 66 days before a new behavior becomes automatic. And the duration of change depends on the habit, the person and the circumstances, sometimes taking up to 254 days for people to form new habits.

So changing one habit requires a tremendous amount of patience and perseverance. Fortunately, the study also found that habit formation is not an "all or nothing" process; missing one opportunity or messing up every now and then didn't significantly impact a person's ability to ultimately succeed. And the more positive changes that we can transform into habits, the easier and more rewarding daily life becomes.

A Horse with Hay Fever:

This is unusual.One would have thought all animals and primitive people would not suffer from Hay Fever.Could you imagine a lowly animal like a mouse suffering,or  one as tall as an Elephant or even higher,a Giraffe having this complaint ?  A new field of research should  be opened up  to find what exactly causes an animal like this horse so to  suffer.It must be a 'night mare' for this horse


An Elementary School Teacher had twenty-six students in her class.

She presented each child in her classroom the 1st half of a well-known proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb.

It's hard to believe these were actually done by first graders.

Their insight may surprise you.

While reading, keep in mind that these are first-graders, 6-year-olds, because the last one is a classic!

Don't change horses

until they stop running.

Strike while the

bug is close.

It's always darkest before

Daylight Saving Time.

Never underestimate the power of


You can lead a horse to water but


Don't bite the hand that

looks dirty.

No news is


A miss is as good as a


You can't teach an old dog new


If you lie down with dogs, you'll

stink in the morning.

Love all, trust


The pen is mightier than the


An idle mind is

the best way to relax.

Where there's smoke there's


Happy the bride who

gets all the presents.

A penny saved is

not much.

Two's company, three's

the Musketeers.

Don't put off till tomorrow what

you put on to go to bed.

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and

you have to blow your nose.

There are none so blind as

Stevie Wonder.

Children should be seen and not

spanked or grounded.

If at first you don't succeed

get new batteries.

You get out of something only what you

see in the picture on the box.

When the blind lead the blind

get out of the way.

A bird in the hand

is going to poop on you.

Better late than

