Thursday, May 31, 2018

What people got excited about in 1973 --A Gremlin and Marriage isn't a partnership; it's a merger.

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Its ok to be Hungry

Our brains get used to thinking certain thoughts and goes on RED ALERT when anything that does not fit that pattern pops up.

This is why those of us who have a disposition to anxiety or depression might feel that these states are more "normal" and that feeling calm, grateful and happy are abnormal.

Or, we might think that "I'm crazy! I can't cope! This is awful!" are normal thoughts and thoughts like, "I'm normal - responsible and reliable and I can trust myself to cope" or "Hashem loves me as I am" is going to suddenly sets off the alarms. So, get used to feel grateful, faithful and mindful of your victories.

Love Yehuda Lave

Marriage isn't a partnership; it's a merger.

My Most Important Piece of Marriage Advice - Lori Almost Live

Old commericial for Gremlin by AMC from 1973

Three Stooges Sell Car Polish - Old Commercials

Every clever person will act with good sense, whereas a fool will declare his folly (Proverbs 13:16).


The Malbim interprets this verse to mean that the clever person will find ways to resolve doubts, but the fool will create new ones.

The doubts to which the Malbim is referring are those that relate to Torah and mitzvos. A person who feels that observance of the mitzvos is an imposition may look for ways to justify non-compliance, and may do so by casting doubts on their validity. He may find what he feels to be inconsistencies, or argue that science challenges Torah principles. However, he succeeds in deceiving no one other than himself. Everyone else knows that he is not motivated by a search for truth, but merely by a desire to avoid any inconveniences.

A clever person, who may be subject to the same arguments, will realize that all of the objections of which he can think were known to greater minds than his. Our history is replete with intellectual giants and philosophical geniuses, whose absolute dedication to Torah and mitzvos was not affected in the least by all the challenges which may appear so cogent. One can safely rely on their conclusion that after considering all arguments, they concluded that the teachings of Torah were correct.

The person who uses arguments to evade Torah observance is placing his mind above that of the intellectual giants of our heritage. Only a fool would do that.

Today I shall ...
rest assured that the teachings of the Torah are the correct way of life.

10 Famous Funny Commercials

I put together ten of the most funny commercials that made me laugh and that are also famous, that have written history so to say.

You find the description below. I hope you enjoy them as I did.

These ads are included: 1. Cinesite Studios, "Beans", also called "Not for Austronauts" or the "Astronaut Ad" from 2013, a mock ad – the non-existent Haynes Baked Beans only resemble Heinz – for the famous visual effects and feature animation studio known for movies like Harry Potter, Avengers: Infinity War, Captain America: Civil War, and others whose logo appears at the end. This hillarious commercial is often shown but not always understood.

2. Doritos, "Birth" from the 2016 Super Bowl was a highly controversial, yet extremely funny commercial that still has its fans and opponents

3. Kia niro, "Hero" with Melissa McCarthy from the 2017 Super Bowl, also refered to as "I love Whales!" that got a lot of press and features Bonnie Tyler's "Holding up for a hero"

4. Kia, "The Truth" with Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus from The Matrix, singing Nessun dorma for the Super Bowl 2014

5. Shadow of War, "Not today, Brian" from 2017 for the video game, also known for its line "Nothing will be forgotten"

6. Heinz Tomato Ketchup, "Wiener Stampede", the adorable ad from the 2016 Super Bowl, part of the "Meet the Ketchups" promotion

7. Volkswagen VW Passat, "The Force", also called "Darth Vader" from 2011 Super Bowl - this extended version was seen by 8 million viewers online before the game, a huge success at this time, during the game a shorter version was aired, later other versions/sequels followed, a game-changing commercial a lot of media was talking about and many people still enjoy

 8. Clash Of Clans, "Revenge" with Liam Neeson as his famous character from Taken for the Super Bowl 2015, also famous for its line "You will regret the day you crossed AngryNeeson52"

9. Old Spice, "Jungle Wilderness" from the 2011 Danger Zone campaign with the famous line "You smell like you look – amazing" (the most amazing thing, though, is the line "Dramatization only. Do not attempt." in the bottom right corner at 7:21 - who would attempt THAT?)

10. Wix, "Disruptive World" with Gal Gadot, the new Wonder Woman and Jason Statham from The Expandables and Transporter for the cloud-based web development platform for the Super Bowl 2017 in the extended version - with more than 22.6 million views online it was the most-seen commercial before the game. It was was shot by the French Louis Leterrier who directed the Transporter films, Unleashed, The Incredible Hulk, Clash of the Titans and Now You See Me in Barcelona with estimated costs for producing and broadcasting somewhere around 14 millions dollars +

11. Anheuser-Busch Budweiser beer / Bud, "Whassup?", also known as Wazzup, What's up or True, true that ran from 1999 to 2002 and became a catchphrase. It won the Cannes Grand Prix and the Grand Clio awards, and was parodied in Scary Movie in 2000, years later also by Annoying Orange and others.

11.5 Anheuser-Busch Budweiser beer / "Wassup Wasabi or just "Wasabi", the lesser known yet extremely funny follow-up to the Whassup commercial with Dookie and his wife -----------------------------------------------------------

"Political Incorrectness"
by "Evelyn Hayes" <>
Because of "Political Incorrectness", they die to kill the Jews again                                              

Their children, women and men.              

 Because of evil inclinations.                      

 and distorting  manipulations,      

 they repeat the mantras - blood libel.      

 and act as if they are not liable.              

They repeat with the "political incorrectness" of Rome,                          

renaming to confuse Israel as Palestine, not the Jewish home.                              

 And the Jews acquiesce and facts are messed.                                                    

About the land of which they were blessed.                                        

 It was the connivery of the snake,

a fakery that puts humanity at stake.          

For 2000 years, Israel, politically called Palestine after the defeated Philistine, Goliath, that David slew.

A monster got his due.                                                      

 "Political incorrectness" unleashed burnings,

rampaging, hangings, pogroms of the masses in uncivilized spurnings

All against Torah believing Jews who should never have been abused.              

All against decency and love.                      

All massive movements against the Lord above.                                                

"Political incorrectness" because man is a Me-ist,

a hedonist, a self centered, selfish  and other rejectionist.                    

"Political incorrectness" turnspeaks wrong as correct .                                    

Dictators media mismanage the masses to defect.

"Political incorrectness sacrifices lives, is against everything for war and demise.

"Political Incorrectness" distorts facts  and misdirects acts,

preaches to despise and targets those who disagree to live by lies.          

"Political incorrectness" votes against itself killing the voices enslaved by wealth.

"Political Incorrectness" is for the self-empowered against

making a better world and madness to prevent                

It is mass insanity against humanity. It is a revolution against individuality.    

It is chains locking up the brain.      

It is chains for freedom to restrain.                                                                            

"Political incorrectness" is called correct.                                                      

 It is a self-defeating defect.                  

It is a cult of deceivers against the children of GOD, believers.  

 "Political incorrectness" is suicide forced by the rulers.

It is a massacre against refusers.

It manipulates the bad guys                      

silences the good guys.

It is choosing losers to win,

disregarding the punishment for sin.

It is an brigade against those who would voice:

"There is a better choice! There is a better choice!"

Choose life! Not sacrifice! Not strife!

Why Palestinians Can't Make Peace with Israel article from 2015 and nothing has changed

There's a total lack of education for peace and no strong leader authorized to embark on such a risky mission.

There are two main reasons why Palestinians will not sign a real and meaningful peace agreement with Israel – at least not in the foreseeable future.

The first is a total lack of education for peace. The second is related to the absence of a leader who is authorized – or has the guts – to embark on such a risky mission.

Americans and Europeans who keep talking about the need to revive the stalled peace process in the Middle East continue to ignore these two factors. They continue to insist that peace is still possible and that the ball is in Israel's court.

The Americans and Europeans fail to acknowledge that in order to achieve peace, the leaders must prepare their people for compromise and tolerance.

In fact, it is inaccurate to say merely that Palestinian leaders have failed to prepare their people for peace with Israel. Instead, one should say that the Palestinian leadership has long been inciting its people against Israel to a point where it has become almost impossible to talk about any form of compromise between Israelis and Palestinians.

Since its inception in 1994, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has devoted most of its energies and propaganda to delegitimizing and isolating Israel. Ironically, this incitement continued even as the PA was negotiating with Israel in an attempt to reach a peace agreement.

If you want to make peace with Israel, you do not tell your people every now and then that the Western Wall has no religious significance to Jews and is, in fact, holy Muslim property.

You cannot make peace with Israel if you continue to deny Jewish history or links to the land. Take, for example, what the PLO's Hanan Ashrawi said in response to statements made by President Barack Obama, in which he acknowledged Jewish history. "Once again, he [Obama] has adopted the discourse of Zionist ideology," she said. "He adopted it when he came to this region, speaking about the Jews' return to their land, and that this is a Jewish state."

You will never be able to make peace with Israel if you keep telling your people and the rest of the world that Zionism was created in order to implement the Jewish project of world domination. This is what the Palestinian Authority ambassador to Chile, Imad Nabil Jadaa, said at a conference on Israeli-Palestinian peace in Santiago.

Imad Nabil Jadaa, the Palestinian Authority ambassador to Chile, declared on May 15 that the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (an anti-Semitic forgery) contains proof of a Jewish plan for world domination. In the same speech, Jadaa declared "there is no Jewish People" and that Palestinians do not recognize the existence of a Jewish people. (Image source: ISGAP video screenshot)

It will be impossible to make peace with Israel at a time when the Palestinian Authority is telling its people that Jews use wild pigs to drive Palestinian farmers out of their fields and homes in the West Bank. This is what PA President Mahmoud Abbas told a pro-Palestinian conference in Ramallah.

According to the PA, Jews have also used rats to drive Arab residents of the Old City of Jerusalem out of their homes. The official Palestinian news agency, Wafa, which reports directly to Abbas's office, claimed in a dispatch that, "Rats have become an Israeli weapon to displace and expel Arab residents" of the Old City of Jerusalem. The agency reported: "Settlers flood the Old City with rats... they release the rats to increase the suffering of the [Arab] residents and force them to evict their homes and leave the city."

These messages are being sent to Palestinians not only by Hamas, but also by the Western-funded Palestinian Authority, which happens to be Israel's "peace partner." The messages are being sent to Palestinians through the mosques, media and public statements of Palestinian leaders.

This is in addition to the PA's worldwide campaign to isolate, delegitimize and demonize Israel and Israelis. PA leaders and representatives who continue to accuse Israel of "war crimes" and "genocide" are certainly not preparing their people for peace with Israel. On the contrary, such allegations serve to further agitate Palestinians against Israel.

This is the type of incitement, in fact, that drives more Palestinians into the open arms of the Palestinian Authority's rivals, first and foremost Hamas. If you keep telling your people that Israel does not want peace and only seeks to destroy the lives of the Palestinians and steal their lands, there is no way that Palestinians would ever accept any form of reconciliation, let alone peace, with Israel.


Yet this is not only about the lack of education for peace or anti-Israel incitement.

It is time for the international community to acknowledge the fact that no Palestinian leader has a mandate to reach an everlasting peace agreement with Israel. That is because no leader in Ramallah or the Gaza Strip is authorized to end the conflict with Israel.

If Yasser Arafat was not able to accept the generous offer made by former Prime Minister Ehud Barak at the 2000 Camp David summit, who is Mahmoud Abbas to make any form of concession to Israel? Arafat was quoted back them as saying that he rejected the offer because he did not want to end up drinking tea with assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, the first Arab leader to sign a peace agreement with Israel.

In many ways, Abbas can only blame himself for the situation he faces today. If you are telling your people that you will never make concessions, how can you ever sign a peace agreement with Israel?

Those who believe that whoever succeeds Abbas will be able to make real concessions to Israel are living in an illusion. It is time to admit that no present or future Palestinian leader is authorized to offer even the slightest concessions to Israel. Any Palestinian who dares to talk about concessions to Israel is quickly denounced as a traitor.

These are the two reasons why the "peace process" in the Middle East will continue to revolve in a vicious cycle. In order to make peace with Israel, you need to prepare your people for peace with Israel. This is something that the Palestinian Authority has failed to do. And that is why we will not see the emergence of a more moderate Palestinian leader in the near future.

This op-ed originally appeared in the Gatestone institute website.

This article can be read online at:

Michael Bolton - Said I Loved You...But I Lied

Michael Bolton's official music video for 'Said I Loved You...But I Lied'. Click to listen to Michael Bolton on Spotify:

See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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