Building a spiritual perspective about life and its challenges will free you from self-pity. You'll realize that everything in life is meaningful and purposeful. Even if you don't yet know the true meaning of events, you know that all is for an ultimate beneficial purpose. This awareness makes it easier to cope.
Self-empowered people live meaningful lives. Their suffering makes them kinder and more compassionate. They understand life more profoundly.
People who have experienced difficulties and rough challenges can become the most heroic. Their life stories can be told as heroic models from which to learn.
Even if you have already engaged in many hours of self-pity, you can now think the thoughts of self-empowerment. You are always in the present, so you can select an elevating and empowering pattern of self-talk right now.
If it is difficult to speak to yourself in an empowering way, it's great to make a sincere effort to do it anyway. It is an important step in the right direction. You can have great self-talk about the current effort.
I recently had a talk with a new friend about do you look at life with the thought that everything is for the best or with a negative outlook. This one change in outlook in your philosophy will change the rest of your life.
Love Yehuda
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