Slide show below. Uncrowded Paris 1900.
Note the open spaces and horse-drawn taxis. And the horse manure on the street. Apparently transportation pollution is nothing new.
Rabbi Yehuda Glick Photo: Atta Awisat |
Right-wing activist shot during annual Temple Mount event in Jerusalem
Rabbi Yehuda Glick seriously wounded after being shot in upper body at close range during 'Israel Returns to the Temple Mount' conference at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center |
Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a prominent right-wing activist, was shot at point blank range outside the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem on Wednesday night.
Glick, 50, was shot in his upper body by a motorcyclist during an annual event organized by the Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement.
Magen David Adom paramedics evacuated him to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in critical condition with injuries to his chest and abdomen. He was operated on and was in stable condition. Doctors said he will have to undergo an additional operation in the morning.
The event, "Israel Returns to the Temple Mount," was attended by MKs and notable right-wing activists, among them Deputy Minister Eli Ben Dahan, MK Moshe Feiglin, MK Miri Regev and Hagai Ben Artzi - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's brother-in-law.
Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said police had set up roadblocks and were searching for the suspect.
The shooting threatens to further heighten tensions in Jerusalem, which has been fraught lately with clashes between Palestinian protesters and police.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a security consultation with Interior Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich, Jerusalem District Police commander Moshe Edri and Shin Bet chief Yotam Cohen following the shooting.
He instructed them to give top priority to capturing the shooter and to significantly increase security forces in the capital.
"We all pray for Yehuda," Netanyahu said.
Glick at the Knesset, several days before the shooting (Photo: Gil Yohanan)
Glick is a central activist in Temple Mount movements and a symbol of the struggle for Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. Police and the Shin Bet have often barred Glick from the Temple Mount and he has been fighting legal battles against Israeli law enforcement authorities against these bans, some of which have been successful.
At the conference on Wednesday night, Glick presented a video filmed on the Temple Mount on Wednesday morning that shows Palestinians trying to scare the Jewish visitors away with "Allahu Akbar" calls. "This is the situation in Jerusalem today," he said.
Glick at the conference (Photo: Channel 7)
MK Feiglin gave a witness account to the police, and later told reporters: "The would-be killer turned to (Glick), confirmed in Hebrew with a thick Arab accent that this was indeed Yehuda and shot several bullets at him from point blank."
"The writing was on the wall, the ceiling and the windows. Every Jew who goes up to the Temple Mount is a target for violence," said Feiglin, who pledged to visit the Temple Mount on Thursday morning, a move seen as a provocation by Palestinians. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has recently called for Jews to be banned from the site.
Feiglin told Ynet earlier:"What happened is horrible but very expected. Glick was constantly threatened. The fact that he was not assigned protection at all times is a failure. I say this as someone who is the target of constant incitement. Weakness and incompetence were behind this attack. This was a relaxed conference, the room was half full. This was not an impassioned event. An Arab came there with the urge to kill."
MK Moshe Feiglin at the scene of the shooting (Photo: Noam 'Dabul' Dvir)
Shai Malka, Feiglin's spokesman, recounted the moments just before the attack: "I stood next to him. The conference was over and he went outside to load his car. Next to it stood a Palestinian motorcyclist wearing black. I saw his gun and I yelled to the woman with me 'run, escape.' We started running. The Palestinian said to him: 'Sorry, I have to do this,' and shot him."
MK Regev spoke at the conference on Wednesday and left the event a few minutes prior to the shooting. "It was a quiet conference about the rights of Jews to come to the Temple Mount and pray there," she said. "An attack in the center of Jerusalem close to the Menachim Begin Heritage Center is an escalation of attacks on personal security. Whoever does not fight for security there, will in return get terror in all of Israel."
Deputy Minister Dahan left the conference about an hour before the shooting: "I spoke about the security situation in Jerusalem, and said the lack of control and order marks the loss of our sovereignty in the capitol. If the situation is deteriorates we will lose power."
Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said of the assassination attempt: "Something has happened in Israel. An assassination attempt in the heart of Jerusalem on a public figure is a crossing of a red line drawn in blood. Security is not brought with words but with deeds, and I call on the prime minister to restore the sovereignty of Israel and its capitol and immediately."
A Magen David Adom paramedic, Aharon Adler, that treated Glick, said, "When we arrived at the scene was saw a 50-year-old man lying on the ground, he was conscious and suffered several gunshot wounds to his upper body. We quickly took him to the hospital in serious condition. At the hospital he was sedated, attached to a respirator and taken to surgery."
Right-wing activist Yehuda Etzion, a friend of Glick's, was at the conference and, upon hearing of the assassination attempt, arrived at the hospital.
"I was at the conference until it ended and then I left, while Yehuda (Glick) remained behind. I got back to Ofra and heard of the incident, so I came here," he said.
Etzion said Glick has been receiving both direct and indirect threats for the past two years "by the waqf's men and the Islamic Movement."
"They incite against him and they're organized in their intelligence collection. They circulated photos of him with a target on his face," Etzion went on to say.
Palestinians were shooting fireworks in Jerusalem's Old City in celebration of the assassination attempt on Glick's life.
Kobi Nachshoni, Moran Azulay and Roi Mandel and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Temple Mount closed to all visitors until further notice
Decision to bar entrance to both Jews and Muslims came in the wake of the attempt on the life of Rabbi Glick; MKs Feiglin, Mualem planned to pray at holy site on Thursday morning.
Noam (Dabul) Dvir, Moran Azulay
Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich announced Wednesday night that the entrance to the Temple Mount for both Jews and Muslims is closed until further notice.
The decision was made in the wake of the attempt on the life of Temple Mount activist Rabbi Yehuda Glick on Wednesday.
Even before Aharonovich's announcement, right-wing MKs Shuli Mualem (Bayit Yehudi) and Moshe Feiglin (Likud) have said they intended to go up on the Temple Mount at 8am Thursday to pray, despite the delicate situation and rising tensions in the area.
MK Moshe Feiglin at the Temple Mount (Photo: Michael Fua)
"There's no other way," Mualem said. "It's the Jews' right to visit the Temple Mount and pray there and what happened tonight is a warning sign that proves to us that if we concede to such dictates, terrorism wins."
Feiglin, who regularly visits the holy site, added: "I'm shocked of what happened, even though it was expected. I say this as someone who is the target of constant incitement on Facebook, social media and websites. The government's weakness and incompetence in handling terrorism have led to this attempted murder, as well as our concessions by closing the Temple Mount for prayers."
Feiglin and Mualem have invited other prominent right-wing activists to the prayer on Thursday morning.
Published: October 30th, 2014
Police around the body of Mu'taz Hijazi, after being killed in police shootout in Abu Tor.
Photo Credit: Meir Yerushalmi
Mu'taz Hijazi, 32, from the Abu Tor neighborhood of Jerusalem has been killed by Jerusalem Police, early Thursday morning, according to a report by
Khaled Abu Toameh. Hijazi is a member of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, and spent 11 years in jail.

Mu'taz Hijazi
The gunfight was connected to the
assassination attempt on Temple Mount activist Yehudah Glick Wednesday night.
"Three police Yamam counter terrorist units surrounded a house in the Abu Tor neighborhood of Jerusalem as part of the search for the suspect who shot Yehuda Glick outside the Begin Center last night," Israel Police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld told Thursday morning.
"As soon as they surrounded the house, shots were fired at them from inside the house. The forces returned fire, and shot and killed the suspect," Rosenfeld explained. "There is heightened security in Jerusalem with an emphasis on the Old City to prevent any incidents from taking place," the police spokesperson added.
Police are examining the gun, to see if it was the weapon used to shoot Yehuda Glick.
The Begin Center, where Yehuda Glick was shot last night, is located right next to Abu Tor, a mixed Arab-Jewish neighborhood.
Glick is in serious but stable condition, following surgery at Sharei Tzedek Hospital.
For prayers, Glick's full Hebrew name is: Yehuda Yehoshua ben Rivka Ita Breindel.
Here is a moving article about the Time of Death

by Yael Zegen
Time of Death
You never know when could be the last time.
Mrs. B had been my patient for 10 days. She had come to the hospital because of difficulty breathing, complicated by a history of chronic pulmonary disease, lung cancer, breast cancer, and other things. She was 75. I liked her immediately, she was intelligent and funny. Seeing her was my favorite part of the day. We connected from the beginning.
She had a daughter whom she did not want to burden, a brother, and grandchildren. Her granddaughter's name was Amy; she had recently gotten married. During all the time we spent together, I never saw anyone visit her. I felt she was somewhat lonely, but I was humbled by her positive spirits and strong will.
Yesterday things were looking better. Her numbers were up, her wheezing was gone. We were planning to discharge her to a rehab center where she would complete her recovery and soon after go home. She wanted to go because there were "bills to pay" and she missed her neighbors.
We stopped by her room for one last checkup and she looked ready to take off. A few minutes into our visit, another patient's heart stopped. Doctors were called to help and I ran to assist. When I came back to Mrs. B, her room was full of doctors and nurses; she was breathing very heavily and her heart was racing, so the staff was trying to control her pulse. I saw she was scared. I held her hand and asked her about her plans after discharge. I asked her about her daughter and grandkids. She could barely breathe but was eager to tell me. After a half hour, her heart went back to normal and things seemed under control.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"I feel like dancing," she replied.
Before going home last night, I went to check on Mrs. B. one last time. She was doing well. She had heard she was going to be transferred to the cardiac unit so we could watch out for more arrhythmias like the ones she had experienced earlier in the day.
"Doctor, I'm not going to come out of the hospital," she said to me. I told her about a study in which patients who thought they wouldn't come out of the hospital were more likely to die in the hospital than patients who thought they would. I made her tell me she'd come out of the hospital fine. Then I told her that I was going home, that I had only stopped to say goodbye.
"Don't go home," she implored.
"What should I do?"
"Sleep here!"
"Why do you want me to sleep here?" I asked.
"Because I trust you."
"And you don't trust anyone else?" I asked, laughing.
"I don't," she replied.
We laughed again. I told her I'd see her first thing in the morning. As I was walking out the door she said to me, smiling, "Bright and early tomorrow, Doc. I'll be here." I smiled back at her and went home.
This morning I came to the hospital to find out that she was intubated. She had gone into respiratory failure and had to be transferred to the critical care unit. I went to see her immediately. She was heavily sedated, intubated, and wearing cushioned gloves to prevent her from hurting herself or anyone else. The nurse told me she had been combative.
The woman laying in the bed looked nothing like Mrs. B; she didn't even look like a person. The monitors were beeping and flashing, doctors and nurses were coming in and out of her room, pushing me away. I told the doctor in charge I wanted to wake her and say good morning to her, I wanted her to see a familiar face, she must had been so scared! He asked me not to wake her since she had been very combative. So I didn't.
A few hours later, I was walking to the cafeteria when I got a text from a classmate – Mrs. B's heart had stopped and she was dying. I ran to the critical care unit to find a sea of white coats and blue scrubs coming in and out of the unit. There was almost no space to move. I pushed my way through the crowd and into the room. The doctor in charge asked, "Would she want CPR or for us to let her go?"
The staff was frantically calling her family, but they were not getting through. I kept on thinking how they'd feel to find out later they had missed this call, a last call. Everyone was at a loss. From the back of the room I said, "From what I knew about Mrs. B, I think she'd like us to try it all, until the end." I suddenly understood she was dying and I was the closest person to her who could be reached at this moment.
"Start CPR!" said the physician in charge. They all rushed to their positions and began CPR.
We need more people to help," the nurse said. "Would anyone want to help?" I jumped to put on some gloves and rushed to her side.
The doctor looked at me and said, "It's your turn, give it your best." I pressed on her chest until I thought I'd pass out from heat. Someone else took over, and we alternated every two minutes, for many long minutes. She was bleeding through her neck and unresponsive. She was dying. I prayed for her as I performed CPR.
With no response there was nothing left for us to do. "Anyone else has any ideas?" the doctor asked. Silence filled the crowd. No ideas. He asked us to let go. "1:06 is the time of death," he said. Suddenly the coats and scrubs were marching out of the room, the equipment was turned off, the tension was over.
I walked out into the waiting room and grabbed a chair. My classmates where waiting for me, speechless. I started crying and a few nurses came to console me. "You did good… you did your best…" All I could think about was how sadly she died, surrounded by strangers. I wondered if she knew I came to visit her this morning, and compressed her chest until she was gone.
I know I did my best. I don't regret one antibiotic I suggested for her, or one x-ray. But I'll always regret not having told her last night how much I enjoyed getting to know her and how honored I felt that she trusted me so much