A person should do everything in an orderly manner (Rabbi Yisrael of Salant). A person should do everything in an orderly manner (Rabbi Yisrael of Salant). Rabbi Yisrael of Salant founded the mussar movement, a formal and programmed study of ethics. All his writings deal with ways to achieve spirituality. How can orderliness and organization be a method to achieve spirituality? People on vacation use their time haphazardly. They arise at any time of the day and let their whim determine their activities. They feel no accountability and no purpose in what they are doing. The essence of Judaism is the concept that each person has a mission on this earth. There are no "after-work" hours, and one is never really on vacation from working toward an ultimate goal. While judicious rest and relaxation are necessary for optimum health, they are in fact part of the "workday." One cannot do things according to whim. Within reasonable parameters, a person's life should be orderly and scheduled. Employees are held accountable for time while they are on the job. Schedules allow for lunch and for coffee breaks, but they are not free to do whatever they wish, whenever they wish. A person should know that we are on earth "on a job," and since we are accountable for every minute, it is essential that we have order in our lives. Today I shall ... try to bring greater order into my life, knowing that I am here for a specific mission. |