The Portion of Mishpatim Reciprocity The portion of Mishpatim comes after the receiving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Among the many commandments which are enumerated in this portion is the commandment of "aliya laregel"- ascending to the Temple on the three pilgrim festivals- Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot. In the words of the Torah "Three times during the year, all your males shall be seen before the Master, the Lord" (Exodus 23;17). As is known, the letters in the Torah are written without vowels. As such, the Hebrew word "yeiraeh" (shall appear) could be read either as "yeereh" (shall see) or "yeiraeh" (shall be seen). The explanation: just as you come to see the Almighty, so does the Almighty come to see you. (Rashi, tractate Chagigah, 2a) This is alluded to in the curved letter "pei" in the word "pnei' (before, facing), implying that G-d's face is turned to man just as man's face is turned to G-d. (Remazei Yoel)