The Portion of Bechukotai The People Killed in Beitar The portion of Bechukotai opens with the promise of reward for those who observe the commandments, and punishment for those who do not. "If you follow my laws…I will give you rain in its proper time" (Leviticus 26;3-4). "And if you do not listen to me…you will sow your seed in vain" (Leviticus 26;14,16). The last fortress to fall at the hands of the romans at the end of the Bar Kochba revolution was the city of Beitar. The blood of those murdered was soaked up by the earth. And for seven years the gentile farmers didn't need to fertilize their vineyards. This fact is alluded to in the unique addition made to the letter "zayin" in the word "uzratem" (and you shall sow) and in the word "zarachem" (your seed). (Rokeiach on the Torah)