New Jerusalem Post Yehuda Lave Letter "He will gather you and take you back to the land has come true"
The Torah reading this past Shabbat told us that when we, the Jewish people, are cast to the four corners of the earth, G-d will take to heart your fate and return you to G-d (Devarim 30:1-6). G-d will return to you, returning to you to gather you and take you from there, to bring you back to the land. What does it really mean to come back to the land to fulfill the biblical prophecies? Does it mean that we are completely secular and being the only Jewish country has no significance?. The only thing that distinguishes us is our non-public desecration of Shabbat. The country does not, nor have the power to tell its citizenship to eat kosher food, or to keep Shabbat. The only thing it can do to show we are a Jewish Country is not desecrate the Shabbat publicly. "Shabbat is not a problem, it's a solution", these words were spoken by Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein, the Chief Rabbi of South Africa. Regarding Israel, he stated, "Shabbat is not something that we need to put up with in order to make this a normal country, but an absolute value that makes the country unique! The uniqueness of Shabbat being held in the public is something that your readers support and should be mentioned whenever an attack is made on the Status quo that has worked in Israel for 75 years.