David M Friedman -A few thoughts on President Trump's Gaza plan, after the benefit of a little sleep: 1) those screaming about a "forced evacuation" obviously don't understand the landscape. I know, from many direct conversations, that most people in Gaza wanted to leave even before 10/7, but no one would take them in. Now, the issue is both amplified and academic: there simply is no physical option to remain in Gaza. 2) assuming civilians agree to leave but Hamas sympathizers and terrorists do not, Hamas will be deprived of its most strategic weapon — human shields — and its eradication will be accelerated. 3) the potential for Gaza is off the charts — 25 miles of sunset-facing Mediterranean beachfront. Assuming an average of 1000 feet of frontage per project, that would permit 132 major multi-hundred million dollar developments along the beach. Between construction, management and service jobs, that's enough economic horsepower to employ hundreds of thousands of people. Sounds like a perfect investment for America's new Sovereign Wealth Fund — makes the US rich and the MidEast safe! 4) Hamas' defeat as a so-called "ideology" comes when everyone sees how much better life is after it loses its territory. New Gaza will be a perpetual monument to the defeat of radical Islamism.
What a day for America and Israel!