Thursday, April 13, 2017


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Rabbi Yehuda Lave

Fear Of Disapproval

Frequently people worry about the possibility that others might fail to show them respect and approval. While details differ for each person, the underlying factor is fear of disapproval -- people might think you lack intelligence, or other virtues and abilities.

Realize that the pain you suffer from worrying about this is much greater than that of actual disapproval.

Try to accept the worst. Imagine that every person who sees you will have a low opinion of you. Emotionally accept this. Once you've accepted this, although you might not like it, you will no longer need to worry about lack of approval.

Today is Chul Amoud Pesuch and I will travel around the land of Israel. My love and greetings to you.

Love Yehuda Lave

The Salomon Brothers at the Yes Planet




This is exciting! Archeologists have made a biblical discovery that is the first of its kind! Muslims are pissed because there is new evidence that the Jews ruled Israel long before Palestinians claimed the land.

Charisma News reports that the royal seal of Kind Hezekiah, who ruled around 700 B.C. has been added to the nation's extensive collection of ancient artifacts.

Hezekiah was described in the bible as a daring monarch- "There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him" (2 Kings 18:5)-who was dedicated to eliminating idolatry in his kingdom.

This is the first time that a seal impression of an Israelite or Judean king has ever come to light in a scientific archaeological excavation,'' Mazar said.

The detailed clay seal, known as a bulla, was uncovered near the southern part of the wall surrounding Jerusalem's Old City. It was mistakenly buried in a refuse dump around the time of the Israelite king.


After five years of research, a team member was able to decipher the text.

The dots help separate the words:"Belonging to Hezekiah (son of) Ahaz king of Judah." "It's always a question, what are the real facts behind biblical stories," Mazar said. "Here we have a chance to get as close as possible to the person himself, to the king himself."
Researchers were ecstatic to reveal that they have stumbled upon the first found seal of a biblical Israelite king.


However this discovery not only has a biblical significance, but is relevant to Palestine conflict today. The word "Palestine" is believed by many to be a name derived from the Egyptian and Hebrew term for "migrants" or "wanderers", and comes from the biblical tribe of the Philistines, who were barbaric nomads determined to conquer the Israelite. However, as the bible describes, the Philistines' giant fighter, Goliath, was defeated by a shepherd named David, who went on to become the king of Israel in the 10th century B.C.

This seal precedes even the earliest mention of an official derivative of Palestine- 200 years after King Hezekiah.

This means there is tangible proof that an Israelite king ruled the area known as Israel today long before anyone mildly considered a Palestinian lived in the area.

So all the claims of Islam being the true ancestral owners of the land that Israel now occupies and the claims that Israel stole the land given them by "Allah" are all FALSE!

One thing is for sure, what happens next is going to be an awesome manifestation of biblical prophecy unfolding right before our eyes!!


Chul Amoud Trip to Ashkelon and the Nation

Opening your hotel door on Shabbat or Yom Tov with electonic card?

 Kahane on the Parsha

Rabbi Meir Kahane- Parshat VaYikra

"And a soul who brings a minchah sacrifice to G-d..." (Leviticus 2:1). On this verse, the Rabbis ask "Why does the Torah alter its language and use the word 'soul' [instead of man']? G-d said, 'Who ordinarily brings a minchah? A poor person. When he brings a minchah, I consider it as if he offered his soul to Me'" (Menachot 104b).

The minchah sacrifice, brought by a poor person, symbolizes dedication and subjugation. That's why it cannot contain chametz (Leviticus 2:11) since chametz symbolizes arrogance.
The minchah, though, also symbolizes faith that G-d will give man what he lacks. That's why the Rabbis called the afternoon prayer - recited when the sun is setting and the world begins to grow dark - Tefillat Minchah. Precisely when the situation appears dark and likely to darken further, a person must have faith and pray - and if he does, G-d will help. That's why the Rabbis declared that "a person should always be careful to pray Minchah because the prophet Elijah doesn't answer any prayer save this one" (Berachot 6b).

Incidentally, this understanding of the words "soul" and "minchah" explains why G-d exiled Jacob and his progeny to Egypt. For when Jacob heard that his brother Esau was coming to kill him, he sent him a present - a minchah (Genesis 32:13). In other words, instead of relying on G-d and placing his faith in Him, Jacob placed his faith in the goodwill of Esau. He took the Minchah - which symbolizes faith in G-d - and sent it to Esau.

The Torah alludes to this sin when it refers to the descent of Jacob and his progeny to Egypt as the descent of 70 "souls" (Exodus 1:5). "Soul" ordinarily symbolizes someone who has complete faith, someone who brings a minchah sacrifice. Since Jacob did not exhibit complete faith, he and his family were sent into exile in Egypt, and the Torah reminds us of his sin by using the word "soul" in this context.

Peirush HaMaccabee
Shabbat Shalom!

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See you tomorrow on Friday before Shabbat Passover

My best wishes for a enjoyable Chul Amoud

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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