Monday, May 21, 2018

No license or registration? No problem, No Fine, 2nd Day Shuvout outside of Israel

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

We are told that our financial income for the coming year is determined on Rosh HaShana. I can give to others; but what comes back to me is up to Hashem. A few years ago, I began to apply this same principle to my emotional life. I dediced that my emotional parnassa, i.e., how much love, understanding, attention, appreciation and respect I get from others - is totally in Hashem's hands. I try to be the most loving, giving, understanding and appreciative person possible. But whether others return the love is decided by Hashem. He knows exactly what I need for my tikkun in this lifetime. He knows how much criticizm I need in order to keep me humble and lonely I need to be to force me to turn to Hashem. This has freed me from feeling needy or angry when I don't get all I want. It has freed me to get all the love I need from within myself and Hashem.

Love Yehuda Love

No license or registration? No problem, No Fine

Transportation Ministry drops requirement that drivers carry license and car registration with them while driving, nixing fines.

Israeli drivers will no longer be fined if they forget their driver's license or car registration forms, with the Transportation Ministry dropping long-standing requirements on drivers to prove their identity and ownership of the car whenever they get behind the wheel.

The reform being advanced by Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) was brought before the Knesset Finance Committee for approval Sunday, after Katz signed off on the directive.

Under the new regulations, drivers with valid licenses will no longer be fined if they are found to be driving without their driver's license on their person. Any form of personal identification can now be carried to prove a driver's identity, including a driver's license, passport, or the standard Israeli ID card (teudat zehut).

Officers will now be directed to check remotely whether a driver has been issued a license, using their identification number found on ID cards and passports.

In addition, drivers will no longer be required to show police their car registration forms during police stops to prove their ownership of the vehicle.

Up until now, drivers have been fined 100 shekels for failure to produce either valid licenses or registration forms upon request – even if they possess both.

However, drivers will still be required to carry proof that the car has valid insurance in the vehicle at all times.

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As far as east is from west, that is how far God has removed our sins from us (Psalms 103:12).

The usual interpretation is that when one does complete teshuvah, one's sins are removed. According to this interpretation, east and west are understood as extremely remote from each other. Another interpretation is based on the exact opposite; namely, that east and west are not far from each other at all. If we face east and make a 180-degree turn, we are now facing west, even though we remain in the very same place. Applying this concept to teshuvah, we do not have to travel to great lengths to achieve teshuvah and to have our sins removed. All we need to do is turn around and face another direction.

The word teshuvah, which means "to turn back," contains this very principle. If we travel on the highway and discover that we have been heading in the wrong direction, progress begins the very moment we turn the car around and head in the right direction. That there may be a delay in reaching the destination should be of little concern, because in the journey of life, the Judge awards merits according to effort rather than according to reaching any one fixed endpoint.

More than one person has made the mistake of making a left turn where a right turn was called for, and only obstinate, opinionated, "I am never wrong" people will refuse to stop at the first opportunity available to inquire and make sure that they are headed in the right direction.

We are all fallible. We may inadvertently make wrong turns in life. How are we to know if we are heading in the right direction unless we stop and ask?

Today I shall ...
try to avail myself of a competent spiritual mentor to help me in following the correct path in life

The Opening of the Academy Awards: 1960 Oscars

Host Bob Hope opens the 32nd Academy Awards in 1960, featuring an introduction by Academy President B.B. Kahane. Mitzi Gaynor presents the Oscar® for Documentary Feature to Bernhard Grzimek for "Serengeti Shall Not Die," and the Oscar® for Documentary Short Subject to Bert Haanstra for "Glass" (accepted by Ann Blyth).

Jewish Groups Tolerate Abbas's Anti-Semitism for Hope of Two-State Solution By Yisrael Medad -

Mahmoud Abbas—the long-serving and un-re-elected president of the Palestinian Authority—made another anti-Semitic speech. But it was more. It fitted into the paradigm of "national identity theft," in which the Arabs-called-Palestinians have long been engaged: Jews do not belong in this part of the world. The Jewish "longing for Zion" is "baseless" he asserts.

However, given that he ended his Jewish history ranting with an appeal: "We say: We will live with you together on the basis of two states," several peace groups still hold out hope that their plan of political resolution of the Arab conflict with Zionism can be achieved (proving that the Zionist anthem "Hatikvah" still resonates with them).

This "despite-it-all" thinking was obvious in Amira Hass of Haaretz who seems to believe that it is possible, despite Abbas being anti-Semitic, that as long as he supports a two-state solution, he's to be considered within limits. In her piece, "Scent of anti-Semitism in Abbas' Speech Doesn't Change His Support for Two States," she goes a step further into dark conspiracy and turns her attention to another problem of Abbas, saying: "His insistence on falling into the trap of declarations that will aid Israeli hasbara."

In other words, we can now proceed to ignore his anti-Semitism and deal with Israel, rather than the Palestinian Authority. Israel's defense of its historical, cultural, legal and religious rights to a homeland are reduced to a hasbara trap. That his anti-Semitism is the root of his anti-Zionism seems to escape her.

Another reaction from peace promoting groups is Americans for Peace Now (APN).

Responding to a tweet of mine, Ori Nir, feeling attacked, wroteYisrael, Not fair to accuse me of forgiving/overlooking [Abbas' anti-Semitism]. Check out my tweeted statement about Abbas' anti-Semitic comments. I (APN) was the only US group that sent out a statement in Arabic condemning it—no if's, and's and but's.

That, for sure, was commendatory. Nevertheless, that APN was the only group to do so, at least at the time he tweeted, is outrageous.

But I pushed him further: Okay. So now you will break any & all relations with Abbas and demand the P.A. condemn his statement otherwise the Diaspora Peace Promoters will not cooperate any further. Yes?

Nir responded: No.

That is a challenge, and it may be insurmountable for APN. And if not, I am thinking that J Street, Jewish Voices for Peace and IfNotNow—among other Diaspora-based radical groups laboring to undermine Israel's diplomatic standing, security and Zionist ratio—will be incapable of doing that.

They will engage in or dance around BDS, either of the resettlement project to return Jews to the Land of Israel, living, thriving, planting and constructing, or even the Zionist project, per se. But they will, I think, tolerate naked anti-Semitism.

And that is not liberalism or progressivism. To know what it is, I suggest that they confer with Mahmoud Abbas.

[Initially published on JNS]

What I Learned From a Crushed Toenail By Nechemia Schusterman

A few years ago I injured a few of my toenails on a canoeing trip. It didn't seem serious, and I figured that with a bit of time and TLC my toenails would heal and I'd be back to my bouncing self.

Well, fast forward about eight years, and my toenails were an ongoing nuisance at best, and causing outright pain at worst. It was finally time to go nuclear with this problem.

The podiatrist decided that it was time for a clean break—no pun intended. He "gently removed" the biggest of the offending toenails, saying that he hoped it would grow back, clean, neat and healed.

He advised that when the novocaine wore off I was to keep the wound clean, and if I felt any pain I could take some Advil.

I assumed I was in the clear.

Then the novocaine wore off.

I'll just say I had not felt that kind of pain in a very long time. Walking was difficult, standing was difficult. In fact, just being was painful. For a few days I muscled through, having the best excuse not to exercise, but the pain didn't seem to be passing. Shabbat arrived and, not wanting to walk to services in zero degrees in Crocs, I forced myself into an old pair of dress shoes.

Big mistake.

On the way home from the synagogue, as I hobbled down the street, I had an epiphany. As the others who had started the walk home with me now walked ahead, I mused: why I was in such pain? It's just a toe! And not even a toe; it is the nail of the toe. Hardly a significant part of my body. I could live without a nail. I could even live without a toe, G‑d forbid. How could it be that this dry piece of protein, of alpha keratin (fine, I googled that), that most people clip off, is now the source of such pain? The heart, the brain, even a bone—all these are essential parts of the body, so if they are damaged or injured, G‑d forbid, the pain would be justified. But a nail?

It was then that something I had learned in Tanya suddenly made sense to me. Tanya teaches how all the organs develop from a drop of sperm, originating from the "mind of the father." It describes how it is the ultimate source of every organ of the body—from the most integral organs, like the brain and the heart, to the least important, like the toe and even the lifeless nails. They are all part of a cohesive unit.

Tanya then draws a comparison between the body and the Jewish people. Every member of our nation is compared to an organ. The righteous scholar might be the brain, and the more simple folks might be a toe. But each and every single person is a part of this unit. And as such, we all play a vital role.

Suddenly my aching toe started making more sense. It was proof positive that even the most (seemingly) insignificant parts of the body, representing the (seemingly) most insignificant people from our Jewish nation, all are necessary contributors to the ultimate unity of our people.

On the surface, there are people in our world who are clearly "brain" people, or "heart" people, or "toe" people. But on a deeper level, every single person plays a key role, not just in my personal completeness, but in the completeness of our people.

Just as one feels great pain at the loss of a toenail and must nurture it back to health, so ought we to feel great pain because of the struggles of another person. Even if that person doesn't seem to be so important, everyone plays a key note in the symphony of life, and if any one person were missing, the composition would be lacking a critical sound in the Divine harmony.

My aching toe will heal, and I will forget that temporary pain, but the lesson will hopefully stay with me for much longer time.

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See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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