Sunday, May 6, 2018

Rabbi Yehuda Lave to give Meditation class today in Baka and Some entertaintment from the 70th birthday celebration

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Appreciate Constructive Critisism

 A truth seeker will want others to correct him if they see that he is doing something wrong. The more of a truth seeker you are, the more you will actually love criticism.

Of course, everyone prefers praise. But criticism will help us grow. If the criticism is valid, we gain by listening to it regardless of whether it's presented in a sensitive manner. If someone criticizes you in a painful way, use that as a lesson to be careful in giving others negative feedback.

The next time someone offers you a piece of criticism, act as if you love it!

At the last minute on Friday I was called to teach a class on Meditation on Shabbat. I gave the preliminary class and today I will teach the Meditation. I couldn't do it on Shabbat anyway since I will be playing music as part of the class. If you have any interest in coming, I can take a few people with me. Please contact me today before 10:00 Am at 058-5043210, if you have any interest so I can discuss it with you.

Love Yehuda Lave



by Fabrice Schomberg

A man gave good advice


to everybody else but himself.

One day he became caught up in

many troubles and his peers

gave him back all the good

advice he had


given them

Israel's 70th - Do You See The Miracle?

The Mizrachi World Movement presents the historic untold story of Israel's monumental Declaration of Independence. See prophecy & destiny unfold in this dramatic inspiring short film as we celebrate Israel's 70th anniversary. This video was written and narrated by Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, and produced by the Mizrachi World Movement.

Am Yisrael High!!

There are four categories of people who give tzedakah ... [the fourth of which is] one who does not give and discourages others from giving; he is wicked (Ethics of the Fathers 5:16).


Since this passage is listing varieties of those who give tzedakah, why does it include a category of someone who does not give? Not giving is not a sub-type of giving.

In the effort to streamline everything and make life less complicated, we have centralized many things, including tzedakah. Communities often have one organization that has one major fund drive a year. Those people who wish to operate in this manner are certainly at liberty to do so, but when they insist that this unified drive be the only one in the community, and they discourage all other tzedakah collections or campaigns, they are actually infringing on the privilege of others to dispense their tzedakah as they see fit.

I have the right to invest in mutual funds and allow others to diversify my investments for me, but I also have the right to choose for myself which stocks I wish to own. No one has the authority to deprive me of the right to make my own selections.

The passage cited is indeed considering only those who give, but among them there is a sub-type of those who give only once to a centralized drive and refuse to give to any other collection. While they certainly have the right to do so, when they try to exert their authority to prevent other collections in the community, while insisting that everyone must give only as they do, their behavior is unacceptable.

If you give tzedakah once, you have done one mitzvah. If you give tzedakah twenty times (even if you give a smaller amount each time), you have done twenty mitzvos.

Today I shall ...
retain my right to give tzedakah as I see fit.

Do You Like the People You Love? By Nechemia Schusterman

"I love you, but I'm not in love with you!" So goes the old cliché. Kind of a bizarre saying, as how can you separate the two?

Stranger still, is this line: "I love you but I don't like you." If you love someone, most certainly you like them?

But you see, there can be a phenomenon where a person can have what "seems" to be the higher degree of affection, without the lower one.

Here's what I mean: Between Passover and Shavuot we observe a minor level of mourning. We don't listen to live music or get married (amongst other mourning practices), since during this period of time the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva, the great Talmudic sage and teacher, died.

Why did they die? The Talmud states that it was because they did not accord one another honor.

How is this possible? Firstly, these were not students in your fourth-grade class, where petty rivalry is the norm. These were among the greatest and holiest Torah scholar to have ever lived. How could they be guilty of not respecting one another?

Even more puzzling is that these were the students of the great Rabbi Akiva, who lived by one primary credo: "Love your fellow as yourself." How could his students, the first line of promulgators of their teacher's teachings, not observe their mentor's lesson?

This can be understood, perhaps, by considering the difference between loving and liking.

I love that which is me or mine. My child is mine. He is but an extension of me, so of course, I love him. Not loving him would be akin to not loving my hand. It is a part of me. I naturally love it, as I do my child.

My kids will often ask: Which of us (seven children) do you love most? I always answer that this question is like asking me which of my fingers I love most. I love them all equally.

However, when it comes to liking, I may not like them all the same. It is actually harder to like a person than to love him or her. Liking someone means accepting that about them which is different from you.

I can love my child and still not like him. I love them because they are an extension of me, but I may not like how they are behaving.

If my child is acting in the manner I see fit, then I don't need to like him, as I already love him. To truly like someone is to embrace all of his or her differences. Then I am liking the other person. Not myself.

To like my child is to respect all of his idiosyncratic behaviors. To respect him despite the thoughts, speech and actions that are not to my approval. If I can respect him enough to have a difference of opinion, then I not only love him, but I like him as well.

Rabbi Akiva's students certainly loved one another, in keeping with their master's teachings. When focusing on their similarities - all children of G‑d and students of Rabbi Akiva - they were able to love their fellow.

However, to like their colleagues, to respect opposing points of view, and allow each other to have a competing opinion without judgement, well, in that regard, there was still work to do. That is where they needed to improve.

In the world of parenting, to like your children is a lot harder than to love them, but it is oh so much more important. When I have a child who is behaving in a manner that is not in line with my vision, yet I still find room in my heart for acceptance without feeling the need to fit him or her into my mold, my image— I show that I truly like the child.

They know it, they can feel it, and they respond to it.

This season, let's try not only to love one another, let's try to like each other too.

By Nechemia Schusterman

See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave

Rabbi Yehuda Lave

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