Monday, September 3, 2018

12 Things you Eat that are a lie and Quotes about real estate and Vienna Friday Walk

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Yehuda Lave, Spiritual Advisor and Counselor

Recognize Your Potential

Negative character traits come from discouragement. A person with faulty traits does not think of himself in elevated terms. He thinks he does not have the inner strength and potential to reach greatness. Only when a person recognizes that he has the potential to reach the most elevated levels will he strive for that!

Love Yehuda Lave

I returned August 15 to Jerusalem after a 16 day absence from Israel. I visited over 100 synagogues, graves and holy spots throughout Czech and Vienna, along with castles and tourist spots. My friend the Cabalist, says like the Bal Shem Tov, I was gathering up the holy sparks of Jewishness that has been trapped there and bringing the spiritual energy back to Jerusalem. I hope I have accomplished that goal, but I know for sure that I brought back lots of pictures. There are too many to share at one time so I am trying something new and sharing them day by day as experienced with a 16 day delay. I will repeat this introduction each day. I have been studying Jewish history and Israel in my time in Jerusalem, but the history of the Jewish people in modern times from 1492 to 1945 was in central Europe where the majority of the Jewish people lived. It is worth studying and knowing about and by sharing it with you my friends, I hope I am expanding your knowledge as well.

Well, real estate is always good, as far as I'm concerned. Donald Trump President of the United States

He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Writer and statesman

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. George A. Moore Novelist, short-story writer, poet, art critic, memoirist and dramatist.

  This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Elmer Davis News reporter, author, the Director of the United States Office of War Information during World War II and a Peabody Award recipient  

My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world. Billy Graham Evangelist,and an ordained Southern Baptist minister

The thrill of coming home has never changed. Guy Pearce Actor

The great advantage of a hotel is that it is a refuge from home life. George Bernard Shaw Playwright, critic, polemicist, and political activist.

Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family. Bo Bennett Graphic designer

Vienna Friday Walk 081018

Jews that have been unfairly treated in US Courts

Iyar 11


This date marks the death of Judah P. Benjamin (1811-1884), an American-Jewish statesman. Benjamin was the second Jew to serve in the U.S. Senate, representing Louisiana. When another senator accused him of being an "Israelite in Egyptian clothing," Benjamin, who had married into a prominent Roman Catholic family, replied: "It is true that I am a Jew, and when my ancestors were receiving their Ten Commandments from the immediate Deity, amidst the thundering and lightnings of Mount Sinai, the ancestors of my opponent were herding swine in the forests of Great Britain." Two U.S. presidents (Franklin Pierce and Millard Fillmore) offered to nominate Benjamin as the first Jew to the U.S. Supreme Court, but Benjamin declined. During the Civil War, Benjamin served in the cabinet of the Confederacy – variously as Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State. In the aftermath of the war, Benjamin was targeted for his Confederate loyalties; a rumor even surfaced that he had masterminded the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Fearing that he could never receive a fair trial, he burned his personal papers and fled to England under a false name. Benjamin was buried in Paris.

If you do not believe, it is because you are not trustworthy (Isaiah 7:9).


In these few pungent words, the Prophet explains why people may have difficulty in believing in God: they are not themselves trustworthy. In other words, if I am reliable, and I know that people can trust that I will keep my word as best I can to perform and deliver, then I will have little difficulty in having trust in God and in His ability to perform and deliver. Lack of trust in God is thus a reflection of one's own lack of trustworthiness.

Projection, a psychological defense mechanism, consists of attributing to others those attitudes and motives that we ourselves harbor. The Talmud summarizes this concept in the dictum that those who find defects in others must themselves be defective in the same way. Isaiah is simply applying this principle to trust and faith.

Some people struggle with faith and therefore consult various philosophic works on the subject. The authoritative works - such as Duties of the Heart by Rabbeinu Bachaye, the Kuzari, and others - certainly deserve study, but while they define very well various aspects of faith, they cannot be expected to have much impact on someone who lacks the basic capacity to trust, because of his or her own lack of trustworthiness. One can fine-tune a radio, but the dial will not do much without an electric current.

Today I shall ...
... try to develop my integrity so that I should be fully trustworthy.

12 Things You Eat That Are a Lie

In an age of mass consumption and instant gratification, the want to satisfy our every gastric desire often leaves us all oblivious to the truth surrounding the foods we eat.

You might, in reality, just find yourself chewing on a mouthful of lies. Here are 12 things you eat that are a lie. Subscribe for more! ► ◄ Stay updated ►◄ For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: Credits:

American Cheese - The bright orange cheese slices made popular by Kraft Foods, usually found inside the Cinderella of American cooking: the cheese burger; are a staple in the corpus of the U.S culinary delight known as fast food.

Margarine - For decades, margarine was marketed as the healthy alternative to the seemingly life-destroying devil... butter. This, however, couldn't be further from the truth. Margarine can, in fact, be quite harmful to the health of its consumers.

Chicken Tikka Masala - Most would consider this popular dish a firm pillar of Indian cuisine, or so it's made to seem by the restaurant and takeout menus. In reality, though, this pillar doesn't stand quite as firmly as we may think as the dish has a rather murky history. Chicken Tikka Masala is actually said to originate from Glasgow, Scotland. That's right, it's a British dish, for now anyways, so long as Scotland decide to remain a part of Great Britain.

Pringles - Potato chips stacked in a tube. Well, kind of. The former parent company of this popular brand claimed that the snack can't and shouldn't be considered as potato chips at all. They argued that the potato content of the chips in question reach only a meagre 42%.

Naked smoothies - PepsiCo advertise this brand of smoothie as containing no added sugar, helping the drink keep up its façade as a health product. The reality is, however, that these smoothies are no better for your body than the most sugary of drinks.

Crispy Seaweed - Certain types of seaweed are used as culinary ingredients in many coastal regions around the globe, but perhaps it's most commonly thought of in reference to forms of Asian cuisine. Crispy seaweed, in particular, is largely attributed to Chinese cooking.

Red Snapper - An Oceana org investigation, conducted in 2013, discovered that there's a US nationwide problem with fraudulent seafood. The study shows that the popular Red Snapper fish is the most mislabelled and miss-sold fish food product throughout the united states. Oceana reported that Red Snapper are often substituted by 28 entirely different species of fish, and this happens in 93% of purchases. Meaning that there's a very high probability of the Red Snapper you're eating being a complete and utter fake!

Rocky Mountain Oysters - A dish unbeknownst to many who aren't accustomed to the moo-ey reaches of good ole ranch life; commonly found in regions of the U.S.A's Great Plains, in steak houses, and in delicatessen joints around the world. One may be coaxed by the name into thinking that this dish is made up entirely of oysters gathered from the Rocky Mountain territory.

Aquafina - Another PepsiCo drink, another PepsiCo fib. The label on this brand of bottled water reads across it: "pure water". But, according to PepsiCo, the water contained within the confines of the bottle actually comes from a Public water source.

Pumpkin Spice - There's a delightful variety of spices that, when mixed together, makeup the seasonally popular pumpkin spice flavour. The commercial stuff we find laden over seemingly anything and everything throughout autumn and winter -a time abundant of pumpkin spice flavoured products – is, disappointingly, more than likely to fall short of using any real spices.

Nuts - Peanuts, walnuts, pecans, and almonds are referred to as nuts only in the culinary sense. In reality, they aren't nuts at all. Peanuts are in fact Legumes, they are dry edible seeds contained in multiplicity within pods that start to split when they're ripe, making them closer to peas and beans than to actual nuts.

Bananas - The bananas we find on the supermarket shelves and in our homes are the wonderfully edible results of thousands of years of genetic modification, meaning that they aren't exactly as natural as we believe them to be.

Why Teachers Drink

Here is a smattering of actual answers to the following questions that were in last year's GED examination   

Q. Name the four seasons 
A.. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar 
Q. How is dew formed 
A.. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire 
Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on 
A.. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed   
Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections 
A.. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election   
Q. What are steroids 
A..Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs (Shoot yourself now, there is little hope)   
Q. What happens to your body as you age 
A.. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental   
Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty 
A.. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery (So true) 
Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes 
A.. Premature death   
Q. What is artificial insemination 
A.. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow 
Q. How can you delay milk turning sour 
A.. Keep it in the cow (Simple, but brilliant)   
Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorized (e.g. The abdomen) 
A.. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A,E,I,O,U   

  1. What is the fibula? 
    A.. A small lie   
    Q. What does 'varicose' mean? 
    A.. Nearby 
    Q. What is the most common form of birth control 
    A.. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium.(THAT would work)   
    Q. Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarean section' 
    A.. The caesarean section is a district in Rome   
    Q. What is a seizure? 
    A.. A Roman Emperor. (Julius Seizure, I came, I saw, I had a fit)   
    Q. What is a terminal illness 
    A.. When you are sick at the airport. (Irrefutable)   
    Q. What does the word 'benign' mean? 
    A.. Benign is what you will be after you be eight (brilliant)   
    Q. What is a turbine? 
    A.. Something an Arab or Sheik wears on his head. Once an Arab boy reaches puberty, he removes his diaper and wraps it around his head. (now we're ggetting somewhere)

Our society is doomed!


.Has Israel advanced US interests?

Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, "Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative", August 23, 2018

General Omar Bradley, the first Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs-of-Staff, said in July, 1950, in the aftermath of Israel's War of Independence: "The Israeli army would be the most effective force south of Turkey, which could be utilized for delaying action [extending the strategic hand of the USA]…." General Bradley's assessment was rejected by the State Department and the Pentagon, which opposed the 1948 establishment of the Jewish State, contending that it would be decimated by the Arabs, a burden upon the US and probably an ally of the USSR.Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan wrote in the Washington Post, on August 15, 1979: "The fall of [the Shah of] Iran has increased Israel's value as perhaps the only remaining strategic asset in the region, on which the US can only rely….Only by full appreciation of the critical role the State of Israel plays in our strategic calculus can we build the foundation for thwarting Moscow's designs on territories and resources vital to our security and our national wellbeing…. Israel is not a client but a very reliable friend…. American policy-makers downgrade Israel's geopolitical importance as a stabilizing force, as a deterrent to radical hegemony and as military offset to the Soviet Union…."

In 2018, General Bradley's and President Reagan's assessments are vindicated, as the pro-US Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Oman, as well as Jordan and Egypt, seek further strategic ties with Israel.  They view Israel as a most effective ally in the face of lethal threats posed by the anti-US Ayatollahs, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, irrespective of the unresolved Palestinian issue – which they never considered a crown jewel - and their fundamental reservations about the existence of an "infidel" Jewish State in "the abode of Islam."

In 2018, Russia lends credence to General Bradley and President Reagan, recognizing Israel's enhanced strategic posture, accepting Israel's military operations against the rogue Ayatollahs and Hezbollah terrorists in Syria, which has been a Moscow satellite since the late 1960s.

Moscow recognizes the impact of the Israel's posture of deterrence on the Washington-Moscow balance of power: the 1967 Six Day War terminated the lethal offensive by pro-USSR Egypt against Saudi Arabia and other pro-US oil-rich Arab countries; a 1970 Israeli military mobilization forced the rollback of the pro-Soviet Syrian invasion of the pro-US Jordan; the 1967 and 1973 Israeli military victories over Soviet-armed Egypt and Syria provided the US military with a rare study of Soviet military systems and Soviet battle tactics; the June 1982 (first ever!) destruction of 29 of the most advanced Soviet surface-to-air missile batteries and the downing of 83 Soviet MIGs employed by Syria, and sharing with the US innovative battle tactics and technology; the 1981 and 2007 Israeli destruction of the nuclear reactors in pro-Soviet Iraq and Syria, which spared the US a nuclear confrontation in 1991 and a much more traumatic Middle East; etc..
70 years since the reestablishment of the Jewish State, notwithstanding the minute size of its population and area, the Jewish State has emerged as a uniquely stable, democratic, reliable, creative and effective ally of the US in the Middle East and beyond, commercially, militarily, scientifically and technologically.

The potential of Israel's strategic contribution to US military and commercial interests has been bolstered by the Israeli experience and state of mind, which are top heavy on patriotism, attachment to roots, collective responsibility, ingenuity and defiance of the jugged cutting edge of nature, militarily and commercially. The transformation of US-Israel relations from a one-way-street to a mutually-beneficial two-way-street, has occurred despite the tactical, short-term US-Israel disagreements over the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian issue. The significant compatibility between the strategic, long-term regional and global challenges and threats facing both nations has transcended such disagreements.

In 2018, the US-Israel strategic compatibility is underlined by their national security orientation, allocating 3.6% and 4.7% of their budget, respectively, to defense, which is much more than any European country: Britain 2.1%, France 1.8%, Germany 1.1% and Italy 1.1%, etc..   Moreover, in 2018, Israel's Air Force features the US-developed and manufactured F-35 stealth combat plane, serving as a battle-tested laboratory for the US Air Force and manufacturer (Lockheed Martin), as it has been for the manufacturers of the F-15, F-16, missiles and missile launchers, tanks, armed personnel carriers and hundreds of additional US military systems. Israel has shared with the US lessons learned by Israeli pilots, who fly under a do-or-die state of mind, which has stretched the performance of the US-made aircraft beyond conventional standards.  Such lessons have enhanced the capabilities of the US Air Force and the quality of the next generation of the F-35, saving the manufacturer many years of research and development, enhancing the US competitiveness in the global market, increasing US exports and expanding US employment. In other words, the annual transfer of $3.8BN to Israel (which funds the acquisition of US military systems) is not "foreign aid" to – but a highly profitable investment in – Israel.

In 2018, in response to growing sophisticated online and offline threats posed by Arab/Islamic countries and beyond, Israel has become a leading developer/producer in the area of cyber-technology, second only to – and in close collaboration with - the US. Israel is the site of 15%-20% of the global venture capital raised by cybersecurity companies, aiming to defend critical infrastructures, while preempting rogue regimes. On January 30, 2018, General David Petraeus, former CIA Director, stated: "the [US-Israel] collaboration reaches new heights, far beyond what is being published in the media…. Our cooperation has harmed significantly Iran's nuclear program…."

In 2018, Israel is the chief source of intelligence (for the US) on the volatile, tectonic Middle East (and beyond), which has been a highly-complex platform of global terrorism, inherent instability, unpredictability, tyranny, domestic and regional intra-Arab/Islamic violence and intolerance, tenuous and shifty regimes, and consequently tenuous and shifty policies and agreements.

In fact, the nature of the Middle East highlights Israel's unique qualities as a systematic, democratic, effective, strategic ally of the US, whether led by right or left of center coalition governments.  The nature of the Middle East was demonstrated by the violent toppling of a series of pro-US Arab/Islamic regimes by anti-US elements.  For example, the 1952 toppling of Egypt's King Farouk; the 1958 toppling of Iraq's King Faisal; the 1969 toppling of Libya's King Idris (Wheelus Air Base, in Libya, was the largest US military facility outside the US); the 1979 toppling of Iran's Shah; the 2011 toppling of Egypt's Mubarak; the 2014-15 toppling of Yemen's Hadi; and it is not over yet….

The reference to Israel, as "the largest US aircraft carrier, deployed in a most critical region, with no Americans on board" - made by a former Supreme Commander of NATO and Secretary of State, the late General Alexander Haig – reverberates an assessment made in 1923 by the British Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen, a top intelligence officer in the western region of the Middle East: "I've always considered the Land of Israel to be the key to the defense of the Middle East…. When a Jewish State will be established, Britain shall benefit from air force, naval and land bases…as well as Jewish fighting capabilities…which will secure its long-term regional interests…. Unlike the Arabs, Jews are reliable and do comply with agreements…. The British policy in the Middle East bets on the wrong horse, when appeasing the Arabs…."  

Will President Trump adhere to – or ignore - past experience?

Will President Trump defy the State Department's and "elite" media's traditional quid-pro-quo (and self-defeating, artificial connection) between the enhancement of the mutually-beneficial US-Israel strategic cooperation, on the one hand, and Israeli retreats from critical terrain, which would exacerbate regional instability, intensify threats to pro-US Arab regimes and undermine US national and homeland security?

Will President Trump continue to expand US-Israel strategic cooperation, by focusing on the wider strategic context of the Middle East, or will he follow in the failed footsteps of Europe, which has largely sacrificed Middle East geo-strategic reality on the altar of oversimplification, quick-solution state-of-mind, appeasement and the misperceived role of the Palestinian issue?!

More data on US benefits:,

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Most insane Harley Davidson drifting, crashes & wheelies.

See you tomorrow

Love Yehuda Lave


Rabbi Yehuda Lave

2850 Womble Road, Suite 100-619, San Diego
United States


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