The Portion of Vayigash The Future is Already Here After Joseph accuses Benjamin of stealing his goblet, Judah approaches Joseph and, in an emotional and moving narrative, tells the story of Jacob and his sons. At this point, Joseph can no longer restrain himself and he reveals his identity to his brothers. He sends them back to their father with wagons laden with the best that Egypt has to offer. He asks that the brothers tell their father to leave Canaan and to go down to Egypt. Upon receiving the news that Joseph is alive he decides to descend to Egypt. G-d appears to him in a dream and says: "I will go down with you to Egypt and I will also bring you up…" (Genesis 46;4). And in the words of the Talmud (Tractate Bechorot 5b), G-d continued and said "And your sons didn't simply leave Egypt. Each one brought with him 90 Libyan donkeys (who are especially strong) carrying silver and gold". The ninety donkeys are alluded to by the extra crowns atop the letter "tzadi" (whose numerical value is 90) in the word "mitzraima" (to Egypt). (Remazei Yoel)