Worry Knot
Worry destroys one's life.
A life filled with worry is a miserable existence. Regardless of how much good fortune you have, you will be oblivious to it if you fill your mind with worrisome thoughts.
You would hate someone for trying to destroy your life. With constant worry, you are destroying your own life.
Make it a top priority to change your thinking habits, to benefit you in many ways.
Love Yehuda
Parshah (bible) Messages
Humility vs. Low Self-Confidence
Humility was one of Moses' most outstanding qualities. In fact, the Torah affirms that "Moses was exceedingly humble, more so than any person on the face of the earth." Yet, when his leadership was contested by his scholarly and prodigious cousin Korach, Moses responds with seemingly uncharacteristic righteous indignation. One would have expected Moses to turn to G‑d and say, "A-lmighty, perhaps You should consider allowing Korach to assume my position—he is far more qualified than me! I am more than happy to abdicate my position to the worthier candidate!" True humility is not a result of an undervaluation of one's talents and accomplishments. A proper understanding of how the Torah views humility will explain how Moses' reaction to Korach's uprising wasn't inconsistent with his exceptional humbleness. True humility is not a result of an undervaluation of one's talents and accomplishments. Such is a false humility, for it is built on a false foundation. Rather, the truly humble individual is keenly aware of all his strengths and qualities—but simultaneously recognizes that all these talents are G‑d-given, and therefore do not constitute a reason to feel superior to another whom G‑d has not bequeathed such talents. "Perhaps," the humble person thinks, "if that person had been blessed with the same gifts, he would have accomplished the same as me—or perhaps even more!" Moses recognized that G‑d had endowed him with tremendous leadership qualities, and he therefore absolutely rejected the notion of relinquishing his position to anyone. This cognizance, however, did not interfere with his genuine humility and respect for every Jew. On a deeper level, the person who is entirely devoted to fulfilling the will of his Creator is naturally egoless, because he has no personal ambition—his goal is only to further G‑d's "agenda" on this world. While arrogance is a sense of self-importance, dedication to G‑d means realizing that life isn't about the individual or what he wants, it's about serving a higher purpose. Moses, despite all his greatness, of which he was keenly aware, was a dedicated servant of G‑d. And when Korach sought to impede his fulfillment of his divinely ordained mission in life – shepherding the Jewish Nation – Moses responded by firing on all cylinders. Many confuse humility with meekness. In truth, the humble person is very driven and will not stomach any opposition. But he is not driven by his own ego; he is driven by a desire to implement the Divine |
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