Sunday, December 19, 2010

David Copperfield makes Yehuda Disappear!! and Snake! Gotta see this!

Last night we went to see David Copperfield at the MGM.

What a show!! At 54 he still has it.. And he put me on the show last night with 12 others and made me disappear.. but amazingly I am still here.  I couldn't take pictures once the show started, but here is a little you-tube video of our beautiful room at Ceaser's palance and the opening video at the MGM of the opening of David Copperfield.

Awareness of the Almighty

Awareness that the Almighty loves you, cares about your welfare, and orchestrates events in your life for your ultimate benefit is a powerful foundation upon which to build your life. Integrating emunah (awareness of the Almighty) and bitochon (Trust in Him) gives you a life of joy and serenity.

Love Yehuda

Now this will give you reflux!


Dinner in Arizona: Pass the Tums!

    These pictures were taken by one of the the road crew at Cloudbreak , Arizona last week.

       It took a total of 5 hours for the Snake to finish off the Goanna. (Sand Monitor)

     As you can see, they put some signage up so it couldn ' t be run over


NOW . . .... THAT's A MEAL...Burp!

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