Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hail Storm In Oct 2010 and Humility

Consider Humility

Arrogance can be the source of two opposite ways of behaving. Some people have such a high opinion of themselves that want nothing else to do with other people. Alternatively, there are those whose arrogance leads them to want power and control over others.

The opposite of arrogance is humility. Humility is the awareness that everything we have is a gift, and that other people are equally important.

Today, contemplate humility for at least five minutes. In what ways would your life be enhanced if you had more humility?

Love Yehuda

Wow - wait till you see this video of a hail storm.  
This video was taken Tuesday, Oct. 5th around 59th Ave. & Cactus in
 Phoenix, AZ.   
Many autos were totaled.

Visit my Blog: http://yehudalave.blogspot.com/