Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Photos from Bellingham Washington on Oct 30,2011 plus fall colors from all over

People Are Opportunities For Kindness

View each encounter with a fellow human being as an opportunity to give and help.

When you meet someone, let your first thought be, "What can I do for this person?"

Love Yehuda

Here is our quick trip to the Northwest. Rain and cool tempertures but beauty and interesting locations:

Fall color photography is the photography of the nature that represent fall of a season. When a season ends its starts to show in nature and we can see leaves changing color, change of color of sunset in the horizon, flowers change and the ambiance of morning change which show immense change in the season fall.

These are the collection of some stunning fall color photography collected from different locations. It's not easy for a photographer to capture the ambiance of the nature in photo as it is but some photographers have managed to do some great work and I've compiled some of the best of them.

I hope you will like compilation and if you do then fell free to share the beauty with other friends as well.

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