Monday, August 27, 2012


 Help As Soon As Possible

When someone asks you for a favor and you are able to fulfill the request, make certain to do it right away. If you are really able to help in some way today, don't tell the person, "Come back tomorrow and then I will help you."

Apply this with the next five favors that you are asked to do. If
 the favor is a reasonable one and you are able to do it, don't procrastinate. Take care of it right away.

There is a story from the Talmud where a poor person asked the sage for money to eat, and the Sage reasonably delayed in taking care of some personal business, the poor person died.

The signs that we get directly from G-d in today's day and age are more subtle than the open miracles of past days. Everthing in our life today is a sign and we need to act on it without delay.
Love Yehuda Lave

Still on our first day in Seattle in the Volunteer Park we come to the Seatle Museum of Asian Art


                "A simple word of encouragement can make difference between giving up or going on!"  
             When the actress Rashida Jones's mother was diagnosed with cancer, she had a choice:  fall into a dark hole
                 or look for the lighter side!  The minute the word 'cancer' enters your house, everything changes.  I felt like a
                 huge anvil had fallen on me. But I knew action needed to be taken - - there were logistics to handle, and my
                 mother needed support.   Chemotherapy is brutal. The goal is pretty much to kill everything in your body without
                 killing you.  I decided my job was to find joyful moments during what could have been a terrifying time for both
                 of us.   We told dumb jokes all day:  at one point, I started calling my mom "Chemosabe  :)"   We laughed so
                 much, she almost forgot she was sick.  That summer all we did was laugh. 
                      "Just because a situation is grim doesn't mean you don't have every right to smile  It isn't about 'being strong'
                 and pretending everything's okay;  it's about finding peace and joy wherever you can !   My dad always says,
                 "Approach life with LOVE and CONFIDENCE and not fear !"   It's is such a dynamic way to live ! :)   I know in life
                 there will be setback, sickness, disappointments, heartaches - - - it's given.  What is not given is the WAY you
                 choose to get through it all.  IF YOU LOOK HARD ENOUGH, YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND THE BRIGHT SIDE ****\
               ***                         ***                           ***                      ***
            "Let no one see his own but each one the other's well being."
                 Word of the day:  "Abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tuned into!"
                          food for thought:
           "The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for
                                it, but  what they become by it !"
             "Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom."    All bread are meant to be shared.  God blesses us so
                 we can be a blessing to others.




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