Friday, August 24, 2012

World photos and time to account for your actions for the new year

Increase Gratefulness in Others

Help spread gratitude in the world. If you know that someone has done something that was beneficial to another person, let the recipient of the benefit know about it. Point out to him that he should be grateful to his benefactor.

In situations when the benefactor did not purposely want to keep the matter a secret, by telling the one who benefited from the kindness that he has what to be grateful for, you are spreading positive feelings and goodwill among the Creator's children.

Love Yehuda Lave

Time to prepare

If you had an important court date scheduled – one that would determine your financial future, or even your very life – you'd be sure to prepare for weeks beforehand.

On Rosh Hashana, each individual is judged on the merit of his deeds. Whether he will live out the year or not. Whether he will have financial success or ruin. Whether he will be healthy or ill. All of these are determined on Rosh Hashana.

Elul – the Hebrew name of the month preceding Rosh Hashana – begins a period of intensive introspection, of clarifying life's goals, and of coming closer to God. It is a time for realizing purpose in life – rather than perfunctorily going through the motions of living by amassing money and seeking gratification. It is a time when we step back and look at ourselves critically and honestly, as Jews (as I define as spiritual seekers) have from time immemorial, with the intention of improving.

The four Hebrew letters of the word Elul (aleph-lamed-vav-lamed) are the first letters of the four words Ani l'dodi v'dodi lee – "I am to my Beloved and my Beloved is to me" (Song of Songs 6:3). These words sum up the relationship between God and His people.

In other words, the month preceding Rosh Hashana is a time when God reaches out to us, in an effort to create a more spiritually-inspiring atmosphere, one that stimulates teshuva (repentance in English).


On our first day in Seattle (08/23/12) we go to Volunteer Park and enjoy its beauty and history:

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