Enjoy Your Self-Talk When Doing What You Must
Sometimes you can find ways to actually enjoy doing something dull or boring. But when you can't come up with a creative way to enjoy what you are doing, you can still talk to yourself in interesting and fun ways. Your hands will be engaged in an activity that you need to do, but your mind will be engaged in a running dialogue that is interesting and even entertaining.
How you feel at any given moment will depend greatly on your self-talk at that moment. Even if you start out with negative self-talk that creates distress, realize that your thoughts are the key factor in whether you will feel good or bad.
People who have learned how to talk to themselves in ways they find enjoyable find enjoyment when others find distress. They don't procrastinate as much. They get more done. If you can't think creatively when you're doing something you don't enjoy, you can always think thoughts of gratitude. Thinking gratefully lifts your spirit and is the basis of happiness.
Love Yehuda Lave
Visit my Blog: http://yehudalave.blogspot.com
or http://www.yehudalave.com/
Sometimes you can find ways to actually enjoy doing something dull or boring. But when you can't come up with a creative way to enjoy what you are doing, you can still talk to yourself in interesting and fun ways. Your hands will be engaged in an activity that you need to do, but your mind will be engaged in a running dialogue that is interesting and even entertaining.
How you feel at any given moment will depend greatly on your self-talk at that moment. Even if you start out with negative self-talk that creates distress, realize that your thoughts are the key factor in whether you will feel good or bad.
People who have learned how to talk to themselves in ways they find enjoyable find enjoyment when others find distress. They don't procrastinate as much. They get more done. If you can't think creatively when you're doing something you don't enjoy, you can always think thoughts of gratitude. Thinking gratefully lifts your spirit and is the basis of happiness.

Subject: PHOTOS OF HOW THE WEST REALLY LOOKED......These are great pictures of the Old West back in the 1870's. It shows
real Indians and how they dressed, not like the movies show.
Visit my Blog: http://yehudalave.blogspot.com
or http://www.yehudalave.com/