Objects of Appreciation
Every time you go to use a utensil or instrument, take pleasure and feel gratitude for the fact that you have such an object available. If you focus on this, you'll be able to be lifted many many times each day.
Some common examples include: a pen, fork, cup, key, computers, clock, chair, stapler, and eyeglasses.
Love Yehuda Lave
put your sound on!!!
Click on the link below and 500 images will flash before you in two minutes.
You will not have an opportunity to see and understand each image. Just look
and allow the images to wash over you....it is quite an experience.
Don't blink.
Click Here<http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=MrqqD_Tsy4Q>
I hope you will like to view the Canals of the world. The music is melodious too. God bless.
The Blog didn't let me post the attachment, so write to me if you want to see the canals.
Visit my Blog: http://yehudalave.blogspot.com
or http://www.yehudalave.com/