Monday, October 28, 2013

: New (newly discovered) Pile Driving Process and Animal Friends and Traffic in Saigon

For you construction Gurus—click to see:  New South-Asian construction process

Here's your AWWWWWWWW for the day ;

, View Yourself As Patient

Our self-image creates us. This applies to the strengths we see in ourselves, as well as weaknesses and limitations.
Patience is no exception. People who view themselves as "impatient" will have many thousands of reinforcers over the years. For example, if someone became impatient just three times a day for five years, he will have 5,000 experiences of impatience! Focusing on these experiences will make it relatively easy to be impatient in the future.
By viewing yourself as a person who is patient, you will find it easier to be patient whenever patience is called for. If you have been patient just three times a day for five years, you have 5,000 experiences of patience. Each new time you are patient adds to your self-image of being patient. Your foundation will continuously become stronger and stronger.

Love Yehuda Lave

Notice no accidents
Traffic in Saigon 

Viet Nam


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