Be A Trustworthy Messenger
When you help someone else financially, realize that the money you are giving away is not really yours. Really the money belongs to the person to whom you are giving it! The Almighty has merely made you His messenger to collect that money and give it to its rightful owner.
Today, write a check to your favorite charity and tell yourself, "I am God's messenger!"
Love Yehuda Lave
Flight from the Nazis 64 years ago to a kibbutz in the Jordan Valley...another great hero.
33 new home ideas of things that you don't need that are cool
When you help someone else financially, realize that the money you are giving away is not really yours. Really the money belongs to the person to whom you are giving it! The Almighty has merely made you His messenger to collect that money and give it to its rightful owner.
Today, write a check to your favorite charity and tell yourself, "I am God's messenger!"
Love Yehuda Lave
Flight from the Nazis 64 years ago to a kibbutz in the Jordan Valley...another great hero.
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