Elul 5777 "The love initiative" Rabbi Yehoshua Schechter "Relationship" means: "the way in which two or more people are connected to one another". But what is the essence of a relationship? What makes it work, and what ingredients are necessary? The answers to this relationship question, can be found in an unlikely place; in the month in which we are in - the month of Elul - the last month of the year. Every month has its own unique energy and power. Elul is the month of love and relationships. The sign of Elul is Virgo, and one of the acronyms of Elul is: Ani l'dodi v'dodi li, "I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me (Shir Hashirim 6:3). This connotes the spiritual relationship between ourselves and Hashem. Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li, captures the very essence of a relationship: It is a mutually symbiotic fusion of two forces – I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me. There are two distinct personalities: "I", and "my beloved." The "I" (my personality) takes the initiative and reaches out to "my beloved." In turn, "my beloved" responds "to me." It alsoemphasizes another vital aspect – that a relationship is a reflection: You and your beloved mirror each other. Like the face is reflected in water, ones' heart (is reflected) in another (Proverbs 27:19). Love elicited, is in direct proportion to love given. When "I am to my beloved" – "my beloved" will be "to me." The same way that "I am to my beloved," so will "my beloved" be "to me." Thinking of love as your reflection is quite extraordinary: Look into the eyes of your beloved and you will see yourself. However, this "love initiative" could not be possible without Hashem making the first move. In 2:16 the verse begins with "Dodi Li V'ani Lo" (my beloved is to me and I am to Him) which is the polar opposite of verse 6:3! Says the Zohar: Hashem shows us His unconditional love by taking us out of Egypt when we are at the 49th level of uncleanliness; when we as a nation had no accumulated merits. We then enter the Sefira period (the 49 days of purification) through "Chesed Sh'bechesed" - Hashem's absolute kindness; giving us a spiritual boost down the road toward internal purification. Hashem's magnanimity, sets the stage for us to ultimately give back to Him – unconditionally – at the start of the month of Elul, when "the king is in the field". So Elul's Ani l'dodi v'dodi li teaches us: that love is about initiating – mirroring what Hashem did for us; Ani L'dodi – I am to me beloved - the catalyst for "my beloved is to me." Love is proactive, not reactive or passive. Love is not about standing on the sidelines, "protecting" ones' self from potential hurt - waiting to be loved. The lesson of Elul is about taking the initiative - initiating intimacy. "Hamelech B'sadeh - the king is in the field - waiting. |