The Portion of Matot The Ledger is Open and the Hand Records The Children of Israel are poised to enter the Land of Israel. The tribes of Gad and Reuven acquired large numbers of livestock. The conquest of the east bank of the Jordan river was now successfully concluded and the fertile land was perfect for grazing the many flocks of the two tribes. The tribes turned to Moses and requested permission to remain on the eastern side of the Jordan. Moses responded harshly: "Your brothers will go to war and you will remain here?!" (Numbers 32;6) Moses reminds the tribes of the sin of the spies which resulted in the punishment of the Children of Israel- 40 years of wandering in the desert. "And behold, you have now risen in place of your fathers as a society of sinful people…If you turn away from following Him…and you will destroy this entire people". (Numbers 32;6,14-15) In light of this request not to cross the Jordan and enter the Land of Israel, the Children of Israel were punished once again. In the end, following Moses' rebuke, the two tribes promised to join the other tribes and fight to conquer the land and Moses agreed. Despite the agreement, the tribes of Reuven and Gad were exiled eight years prior to the exile of the other tribes which followed the destruction of the Temple. An allusion to these eight years is found the letter "chet" in the word "v'shechatem" (and you will destroy). The numerical value of the letter "chet" is eight. (Baal Haturim, Divrei Kohelet)