As you read this sentence, you are breathing. Throughout the entire day today you will be breathing.
The Sages have taught us to be grateful for each and every breath. This is based on the last verse of Tehillim
(Psalms) that says our entire soul should praise the Almighty. The Hebrew word for soul is neshamah, which is similar to the Hebrew word neshimah, breath.
The more frequently you focus on your appreciation and gratitude for each breath, the greater will be your sense of daily gratitude. You can easily add the word "joy" into your new habitual practice.
Since every breath you take is always in the present moment, focusing on gratitude for a breath will also focus your mind on the present moment. This is especially important when you are worrying about the future or being upset about something in the past.
Right now you are still breathing. Great! Now say, "I am joyfully grateful for each and every breath."