Friday, October 29, 2010

Bighorn Sheep........ Can you believe this? and Stories of growing from Challenges

Stories of Growing from Challenges

Whenever you come across a story about someone who has grown from a challenge, think,

"Since I have read or heard this story of how someone grew from this challenge, I now have this pattern stored in my brain.

My brain is always with me. So I can add to my self-image:

'I am a person who has read and heard about patterns of growing from challenges.'

This will strengthen my own resolve to grow from challenges. Instead of worrying about potential challenges that I might face,

I will keep thinking about how I will grow from any challenge that might come my way."

Love Yehuda




For those who aren't familiar with the view - it's the downstream face of the dam and those dots are bighorns WALKING ACROSS IT.  They're licking the surface - salt, maybe? 


The Buffalo Bill Dam on the Shoshoni River at Cody, Wyoming....











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