Be A Trustworthy Messenger When you help someone else financially, realize that the money you are giving away is not really yours.
Really the money belongs to the person to whom you are giving it! The Almighty has merely made you His messenger
to collect that money and give it to its rightful owner.
Today, write a check to your favorite charity and tell yourself, "I am God's messenger!"
Love Yehuda
......The golf ball was in the pond on Hole #16 at Oak Crest Golf Club in Norway, was a brand new Titlelist with the Western Gailes, Scotland logo on it and he didn't want to loose it OR take the two stroke penalty as he was already behind in $$$points...! NEVER PUT YOUR ARM IN THE WATER TO RETREVE A GOLFBALL !
Reach for the golf ball and meet a new friend
 Our friend with an extra appendage
 a quick trip to the Hospital
 Lets bring the extra pieces
 Our friend again
 Another view. Don't look at the next one if you are squimish
 Giving up the extra's cause they want them at the Hospital. And it was such a good lunch
All for a golf Ball. Silly game anyway.
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