Friday, January 13, 2012

What is true, and whether praise or insults


Whether Praise or Insults

Whether others praise or insult you, the goal to strive for is that both should be equal in your eyes.

This is such a lofty ideal that most people will consider it impossible. But the more we are aware that there is no practical difference between praise and insults, and that we have intrinsic worth regardless of what others say, the less praise and insults will affect us.

Love Yehuda




Sensitive people are CONCERNED ABOUT PALESTINIAN KIDS.., as everyone is concerned about children.


These are the images they release to the media:



However, These are the images they DON'T show:



Please help to show these pictures to the world.


This is where our Government wants to send millions of help them rebuild Gaza...or is it to rearm?????





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