Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trailer park trash ........and the Grass is no Greener

The Grass Is No Greener

The Midrash (Kohelet 11:13) relates the metaphor of a free bird who envies the food of a caged bird. The caged bird replies, "You see my food, but you do not see my captivity."

In what ways might your envy of others be similar to this?

Love Yehuda






Think we all need one of these








I want to be trailer trash. They did not cause any of

the problems that our country faces today. They did

not get mortgages they couldn't afford. They did not

run banks to the ground with greed. They did not use

investors for their personal benefit. They don't even

belong to the unions that ask too much of their companies.

I'm tired of paying mortgage bills,
utility bills, property taxes.

I want to live more simply, pack up
the dogs and move into a travel-trailer.


I don't mind being called 'trailer trash',
but I wanted to get your opinion.

What do you think about my decision



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