Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Israel at 64 and a friend in need video about a good deed will bring on the tears

Life Isn't a Competitive Game

Each human being is unique and one of a kind. We each have a unique purpose in life. We each have our own unique ability to connect with our Creator. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses, virtues and faults. We are not meant to be an exact clone of anyone else. Therefore, life isn't a competitive game. We each are meant to serve the Almighty with our unique character, temperament, and personality based on our unique life situations and circumstances in the past and present.

Love Yehuda

As you can see from the beautiful video  below that as I have said above, we can each find a way to make the world a better place with a good deed.

A friend in need is a friend indeed




Celebration of Israel's 64th year of Independence.........


An amazing speech!
(It had been distributed before.)


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