Sunday, May 20, 2012

OUR LIVER and Jerusalem in San Diego

As a Child to his Father

The Chafetz Chaim  (the name of one of our great sages from the early 1900's) used to say that when you feel heavy-hearted, speak to the Almighty just as a child speak to his father.
One does not need formal prayer for this. Rather speak to your Heavenly Father/Mother in any language you wish.
Love Yehuda
I will repeat this announcement several times over the next week, since I know that everybody doesn't get a chance to check my email every day. Next Saturday (the 26th), my friends (and anyone else that wants to come to San Diego) will have the unique opportunity to hear one of my primary teachers from my years in Israel, teach over the Shavout holiday. You don't have to come to prayer services. Just come to the lectures about the interesting topics below. On Saturday night the 26th we have the custom to stay up all night and study the bible through these lectures. Anyone interested, please contact me for details.
The lectures are by my friend and Rabbi, Efriam Sprecher. A very powerful speaker.

Shabbos Afternoon May 26th 6:15pm
Sefiras Ha'Omer - The Mystical link of Pesach to Shavuot

After Shabbos night May 26, 2012

11:30-12:20 Evolution and Kabbalah - Were there dinosaurs and cave men in Eden?
12:30- 1:45  Humble Beginnings - Why Moshiach descends from Ruth the Moabite convert?
1:55- 2:40   Megilat Ruth - THE Book of Reincarnation
2:55-3:40   Can Halacha Change Reality?
3:55-4:40   Is there a way to take it with you?
4:40-5:00 Rabbi Bogopulsky Reflections of the Night

Sunday May 27th 6:15pm
Was a Jewish State in 48 foretold in the Torah?

Monday May 28th 6:00pm
Redeem a Captive in Exchange for releasing Terrorist
Subject: OUR LIVER.
and now for a biology lesson.
I didn't know half of this stuff - especially about the aerosols going through the liver... Good to know.

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