Respect For Other People
Your respect for other people comes from your deep awareness that they are created in the Almighty's image. Therefore you never treat anyone else condescendingly. You never belittle anyone. You realize that everyone has something you can learn from. You realize that you need to respect everyone you encounter. This way of interacting with others is an expression of humility.
Love Yehuda
Speaking of the Northwest and Alaska,-This was the original growth forests that have been replanted by growers today.
When the Northwest logging industry was still young...Just look at the length of the hand saw they needed......and look at the size of the heavy duty axes...The work required very strong and courageous men...After a tree was felled the real work began - a week or more to cut it up...Maneuvering the logs down the mountain to the train was a complex job...Some of the logs were larger than the train engine...A hollowed out log became the company's mobile office...Hollowed out logs were also used to house and feed the crews...
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