Monday, August 15, 2011

Only in Australia will you see this and Knocking on Heavens' Gate

Knocking on Heaven's Gate !!!!

Mastering Ideas Takes Work

The most valuable ideas for personal growth require a lifetime of study and effort to implement them. Mastering these ideas requires tremendous patience and perseverance.

Today, try increasing your level of patience and perseverance. When you encounter a frustrating situation, look at it as another opportunity to increase your patience and perseverance. These two qualities will enable you to reach your goals and to master the emotional states that will greatly enhance your life.

Write out the words "Patience and Perseverance," and put them in a place where you will see them throughout the day.

Love Yehuda

Only in Australia will you see this

Road Trains

This is a recent email sent regarding the cattle trains at Helen Springs Station.

Photos are of the trucks loading cattle.  Scroll down.

There are interesting statistics.  

·         There are 17 trucks with 3 trailers and 2 decks per trailer;

·         Therefore there are 102 decks of cattle and there would be approximately 28 cattle per deck;

·         This totals 2,856 head of cattle

·         The cattle will weigh approximately 500kg

·         The sale price for cattle at Longreach is approx. 165c/kg

·         Each animal will therefore be sold at $825.

·         Total revenue from this analysis is $2,356,200

·         Another interesting fact:

o   Each trailer has 24 tyres plus a dolly with 8 tyres

o   Each vehicle therefore has 62 tyres (not including spares)

o   For the 72 trucks there are 4,464 tyres on the road.

     Road trains loading cattle at Helen Springs Station, north of Tennant Creek NT.



Now that's a Road Train...!


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