Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Why Men are never depressed ... Dennis Praeger and Nicky Imber

Dennis Prager in a powerful speech at Oxford University

Just Apologize

Sincerely apologizing is the best way to overcome the resentment and negative feelings of someone who is angry with you. However, at times it can be very difficult to apologize. When you tell yourself, "Just apologize," it can become easier.

If you really did something wrong, you have an obligation to apologize. At times, it's wisest to apologize even if you aren't really at fault. Your apology can create harmony. Have the strength and courage to "just apologize." Your sincere apology will totally calm some people.

Even if you need to apologize a number of times and find the right things to say each time, your initial apology is still the first step forward.

Love Yehuda Lave


                Men Are Just Happier People --

                What do you expect from such simple creatures?

                Your last name stays put.

                The garage is all yours.

                Wedding plans take care of themselves.

                Chocolate is just another snack...

                You can never be pregnant.

                You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.

                You can wear NO shirt to a water park.

                Car mechanics tell you the truth.

                The world is your urinal.

                You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because
                this one is just too icky.

                You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a

                Same work, more pay.

                Wrinkles add character.

                Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100.

                People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.

                New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.

                One mood all the time.

                Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.

                You know stuff about tanks.

                A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.

                You can open all your own jars.

                If someone forgets to invite you,

                He or she can still be your friend.

                Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.

                Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.

                Everything on your face stays its original color.

                The same hairstyle lasts for years, even decades.

                You only have to shave your face and neck.

                You can play with toys all your life.

                One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons.

                You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.

                You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife..

                You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.

                You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives

                On December 24 in 25 minutes.

                Men Are Just Happier People


                If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each
                other Laura, Kate and Sarah. If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will
                affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Bubba and Wildman.

                EATING OUT
                When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20,
                even though it's only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller
                and none will actually admit they want change back.

                When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket

                A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
                A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need but it's on

                A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste,
                shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel.
                The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337.
                A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.

                A woman has the last word in any argument.
                Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
                A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
                A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
                A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
                A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, but she does.
                DRESSING UP
                A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the
                trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
                A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.
                Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
                Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
                Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about
                dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret
                fears and hopes and dreams.

                A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
                THOUGHT FOR THE DAY
                A married man should forget his mistakes. There's no use in two
                people remembering the same thing!
                SO, send this to the women who have a sense of humor and who can
                handle it .....
                and to the men who will enjoy reading it!

Statements by US President Obama and PM Netanyahu at the White House

PM Netanyahu: I want to make it clear that we have not given up our hope for
peace. I remain committed to a vision of peace of two states for two
peoples, a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state.

(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

Following are statements made today (Monday 9 November 2015) by the two
leaders at the White House:

President Obama:

"Welcome once again Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to the Oval Office.
There's no foreign leader who I've met with more frequently and I think
that's a testimony to the extraordinary bond between the United States and

Before I get started, I just want to say a brief word about the Jordanian
attack that we discovered earlier, the fact that someone dressed in a
military uniform carried out an attack at a training facility in which it
appears that there may have been two or three U.S. citizens killed and a
number of other individuals injured.

Obviously, a full investigation is taking place. We take this very seriously
and we'll be working closely with the Jordanians to determine exactly what
happened. But at this stage, I want to just let everyone know that this is
something we're paying close attention to and at the point where the
families have been notified, obviously, our deepest condolences will be
going out to them.

I also want to extend my condolences to the Israeli people on the passing of
former President Navon. Obviously, he's an important figure in Israeli
politics and we extend heartfelt condolences to his family.

This is going to be an opportunity for the Prime Minister and myself to
engage in a wide-ranging discussion on some of the most pressing security
issues that both our countries face. It's no secret that the security
environment in the Middle East has deteriorated in many areas. And as I've
said repeatedly, the security of Israel is one of my top foreign policy
priorities, and that has expressed itself not only in words, but in deeds.
We have closer military and intelligence cooperation than any two
administrations in history.

The military assistance that we provide, we consider not only an important
part of our obligation to the security of the state of Israel, but also an
important part of US security infrastructure in the region, as we make sure
that one of our closest allies can not only protect itself, but can also
work with us in deterring terrorism and other security threats. In light of
what continues to be a chaotic situation in Syria, this will give us an
opportunity to discuss what's happening there.

We'll have an opportunity to discuss how we can blunt the activities of
ISIL, Hezbollah, other organizations in the region that carry out terrorist
attacks. A lot of our time will be spent on a memorandum of understanding
that we can potentially negotiate. It will be expiring in a couple of years,
but we want to get a head start on that to make sure that both the United
States and Israel can plan effectively for our defense needs going forward.

We'll also have a chance to talk about how implementation of the Iran
nuclear agreement is going. It's no secret that the Prime Minister and I
have had a strong disagreement on this narrow issue, but we don't have a
disagreement on the need to making sure that Iran does not get a nuclear
weapon, and we don't have a disagreement about the importance of us blunting
destabilizing activities that Iran may be taking place.

And so, we're going to be looking to make sure that we find common ground

And we will also have an opportunity to discuss some of the concerns that
both of us have around violence in the Palestinian territories. I want to be
very clear that we condemn in the strongest terms Palestinian violence
against innocent Israeli citizens.

And I want to repeat, once again, it is my strong belief that Israel has not
just the right, but the obligation to protect itself. I also will discuss
with the Prime Minister his thoughts on how we can lower the temperature
between Israeli and Palestinians, how we can get back on a path towards
peace, and how we can make sure that legitimate Palestinian aspirations are
met through a political process, even as we make sure that Israel is able to
secure itself.

And so, there's going to be a lot of work to do with too little time. Which
is why I will stop here, and just once again say, welcome."

Prime Minister Netanyahu:

"Mr. President. First let me express the condolences of the people of Israel
for the loss of American lives. We're with you.

We're with each other in more ways than one, and I want to thank you for
this opportunity to strengthen our friendship, which is strong, strengthen
our alliance, which is strong.

I think it's rooted in shared values. It's buttressed by shared interests.
It's driven forward by a sense of a shared destiny. We are obviously tested,
today, in the instability and insecurity in the Middle East, as you
described it. I think everybody can see it with the savagery of ISIS, with
the aggression and terror by Iran's proxies, and by Iran itself, and the
combination of turbulence has now displaced millions of people, has
butchered hundreds of thousands, and we don't know what will transpire.

And I think this is a tremendously important opportunity for us to work
together, to see how we can defend ourselves against this aggression and
this terror, how we can roll it back. It's a daunting task.

Equally, I want to make it clear that we have not given up our hope for
peace. We'll never give up our hope for peace. And I remain committed to a
vision of peace of two states for two peoples, a demilitarized Palestinian
state that recognizes the Jewish state.

I don't think that anyone should doubt Israel's determination to defend
itself against terror and destruction, but neither should anyone doubt
Israel's willingness to make peace with any of its neighbors that genuinely
want to achieve peace with us.

And I look forward to discussing with you practical ways in which we can
lower the tension, increase stability, and move towards peace.

And finally, Mr. President, I want to thank you for your commitment to
further bolster Israel security, and the Memorandum of Understanding that
we're discussing. Israel has shouldered a tremendous defense burden over the
years, and we've done it with the generous assistance of the United States
of America. And I want to express my appreciation to you, the appreciation
of the people of Israel to you, for your efforts in this regard during our
years of common service, and what you're engaging in right now. How to
bolster Israel's security, how to maintain Israel's qualitative military
edge, so that Israel can, as you've often said, defend itself, by itself,
against any threat.

So, for all these reasons, I want to thank you again for your hospitality,
but even more so for sustaining and strengthening the tremendous friendship
and alliance between Israel and the United States of America.

Thank you very much, Mr. President." ________________________________________
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on Arab-Israeli relations


Yesterday in my trip to Karmiel I included pictures of the Sculpture Garden by Nicky Imber..Here is his story.

The Amazing Story of Nicky Imber

Steven Shalot December 15, 2014, 8:48

What happens when you cross an incredible story of Holocaust survival with the story of one of the world's finest sculptors and painters? You get a story of hope, brilliance, and the indomitable nature of the human spirit. In short – Nicky Imber. Nicky Imber was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1922. He attended the Academy of Arts in Vienna where he gained notoriety by drawing caricatures of Nazis for the Academy's Jewish student newspaper, during the 1930's. In addition, he was also an accomplished Vaudeville dancer, frequenting dance stages and thrilling audiences and friends alike with his talent.

Nicky Imber at work in his studio in Safed. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

Nicky Imber at work in his studio in Safed. (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.)

In 1938, the Anschluss with Nazi Germany sealed the fate of the approximately 192,000 Austrian Jews, who represented about 4% of the total Austrian population. The overwhelming majority of them lived in Vienna where they made up roughly 1 in 10 of the total population. By December, 1939, however, that number was cut down to 57,000; mostly through emigration – forced or otherwise. Roughly 9,000 Austrian Jews survived the war – about 10% of the pre-war population. A popular and hard to reach destination for many Jews at this time was China, which allowed Jewish immigration. Nicky tried to go this route, but his efforts were continually thwarted by Eichmann. His mother, however, succeeded in getting to Shanghai.

Around this same time, Nicky was rounded up and transported to the Dachau concentration camp in Munich, Germany. While there, he endured unimaginable suffering, deprivations and degradations. He watched close family and friends suffer and die. All this time, he just had one thought, one theme to hang on to: To survive, and therefore, to bear witness. Nicky had a photographic mind, and this would serve him well and also haunt him, later on in life.

What followed in Dachau is the most remarkable story of one man's survival against all odds. He had had enough of the misery of the camp and he plotted a brilliant escape plan. Using the skills he learned at the art academy in Vienna, with only preciously scarce bread and sand, he manufactured a face mask of the camp commandant. He stole a Nazi officer's uniform from the camp tailor shop, and made a replica of the commandant's uniform. One day, he donned his mask and put on the uniform, and just strolled leisurely out the front gate, past the guards, dogs, and other inmates! He was free, but a long way from safety.

Sculpture of the mask used to escape from Dachau Photo by Steve Shalot

Sculpture of the mask used to escape from Dachau
Photo by Steve Shalot

It was not until 1941 that the Nazis decided on a course of extermination of all the Jews of Europe, and it was not until the infamous Wannsee conference, in a suburb of Berlin, on January 20, 1942, under the leadership of SS Obergrüppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich, at the behest of Hermann Goring, that the mechanism of extermination — deportation to Poland and gassing of Jews was actively decided on. As an aside, a secondary goal of Wannsee was to decide "who is a Jew," and how far back family records should be searched. The actual killing was to be done under the SS, but it should be noted that representatives of German industry, including I.G. Farben, manufacturer of "Zyklon-B," the Prussic acid crystals used in the gas chambers at Auschwitz, and other German businessmen were also present at Wannsee.

So, cheating certain death at the hands of the Nazis by just 2 years, Nicky made his way to the Romanian port of Tulcea, where there were 3 ships: SS Milos, SS Pacific and the SS Atlantic, all chartered by Eichmann, to transport about 3,600 Jews from Vienna, Danzig, and Prague to British Mandated Palestine. It can be assumed, and with good reason, that Nicky did not use his real name since he had escaped from Dachau.

Most probably, Nicky boarded the SS Atlantic, which was bound for Haifa. However, the British, who were in a life and death struggle with Nazi Germany in North Africa at the time, thought it was better to provoke Jewish anger than risk an Arab uprising, and refused to allow all 3 ships to enter the country. Instead, Nicky, with all the passengers from the SS Atlantic and the other 2 ships were taken to the Atlit detention center, which is about 12 miles south of Haifa. From there, the British wanted to send those passengers to Mauritius, an island off the African continent in the Indian Ocean, as well as to Trinidad in the Caribbean.

To accomplish this, the British placed Nicky, along with 1,900 refugees from the 3 ships onboard the SS Patria, a ship of French registry, seized by the British after France surrendered to Nazi Germany. Zionist groups opposed this transfer and various groups including the Irgun tried to stop it. On November 25th, 1940, a bomb placed by the Haganah exploded at 9:00am, causing the ship to list and sink in Haifa harbor. The Haganah, according to later documents had attempted just to disable her, buying time for the Jews onboard to obtain entry visas for Palestine. But, they miscalculated the force of the explosion, and over 200 Jewish refugees, plus 50 crew and British soldiers died; many were injured. Somehow, Nicky was implicated in this incident, and he did end up being sent to Mauritius, anyway.

While interned on Mauritius, Nicky waited almost 2 years, then worked out a deal with the British in 1943 to join their army and work as a war artist and a dental assistant in East Africa. After the war, he opened an art school and worked as a safari guide and photographer in Nairobi, Kenya. But wearing a safari hat and bushman's outfit was not to be his future, and so he travelled in search of opportunity where he could use his awesome artistic talent.

He made his way to South America,Venezuela to be exact, where he was contracted by the government to create an East African diorama series for the National Museum. His large, lifelike animal sculptures earned him quite a bit of fame. This he did from 1949-1954. Finally, in 1959 he returned to Israel, ironically to Haifa, where he was denied entry in 1940, and was asked to create pre-historic animal sculptures and dioramas for the Haifa Pre-History museum at Gan Ha-Em. As a Holocaust Survivor, coming back to Israel made set in his mind the work he would become most famous for, although that wasn't to come just yet; there were still other things to do, and other places to see.

His restlessness and desire to see the world, led to great fame for Nicky Imber. He spent the next decade or so sculpting and painting his way through Europe and the United States. His reputation for excellence and the mastery of his craft even took him to the Vatican, where he was chosen over many other artists to restore a 3,000 year old Greek statue, and even the famous Michelangelo sculpture "David," which was vandalized in 1992.

Finally, in 1978, Nicky came to terms with his past and his status as a Holocaust survivor. The abuses and horrors he suffered at the hands of the Nazis, made their way from the inner recesses of the artist's mind and into bronze and clay. He was asked to create a series of Holocaust-themed sculptures at the entrance to the idyllic, and beautiful city of Carmiel, which sits in the valley between the Upper and Lower Galilee. From his website, these are Nicky's words:

"Many years ago, when I escaped form Dachau, I promised myself that if I should survive, I would dedicate my artistic life to perpetuating the memory of the Holocaust. I have created many different works of art in my lifetime, but most poignantly important are the ones standing in Carmiel today, and hopefully forever. From deep within my heart, I created them in honor of those who perished, those who have survived and those who follow and need to remember.

The park at Carmiel is entitled "The History of the Jewish People" and including three groupings: "Holocaust", "Aliyah", and "Hope". It depicts people who know that their end will be, but never give up hope and their faith in G-d. These are actual pictures I have in my mind from my horrible existence in Dachau."

It took Nicky 3 years to create "The History Of The Jewish People," and today all 3 groupings of statues sit in the park that he made specially for them. In addition, he created animal-themed children's parks throughout the small city, thus creating a must-see tourist destination, and enabling the city to grow to what it is today. One particular sculpture stands out from all the rest of Nicky's works – that statue is called "The Hope" – HaTikvah. It is the centerpiece of the third groupings, and depicts a young mother on a kibbutz, in a free and independent Israel, holding up her child triumphantly to the heavens to show the world, "We are still here, and with a living future." It is no small coincidence that he chose the name "The Hope" for this important and symbolic piece, because it was Nicky Imber's Grand Uncle, Naphtali Herz Imber, a Jewish poet and Zionist who wrote the words to "HaTikvah," the Israeli national anthem. Naphtali's story is very colorful and unique as well, and will be the subject of a future blog of mine here on The Times Of Israel.

This is a replica of "The Torah," which is in NIcky's gallery in Safed. The original is in the Holocaust Park at the entrance to Carmel. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia, "Nicky Imber"

US Army reveals mindreading 'supersoldier' system

Army scientists have revealed a hi-tech 'mindreading' system that could help analysts sift through data. The system can already distinguish what basic object the soldier in thinking about.

Read the full story:

New blood test can find aggressive prostate cancer tumours

The STHLM3 test was far more reliable than the standard PSA blood test. It will be available in Sweden in March 2016, experts from the Karolinska Institute said.

Read the full story:

10 November 2015

Researchers find crucial link between Parkinson's and Gaucher's diseases

Link: (sent via )

What Do You Call a Group of Baboons? How About Kangaroos?
