Regarding a warning against idolatry, the Bible states:
"And it will be when he hears the words of this curse and he will bless himself in his heart saying,
'There will be peace unto me for I will go as my heart sees fit' " (Deut. 29:18).
Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman used to quote his rebbe, the Chofetz Chaim, that this refers to someone
who doesn't just do an improper act because of an impulse. Rather, he makes an entire ideology out of cruelty
and the right to harm others - he makes a whole new set of rules for himself that are diametrically opposed to
bible principles. The next verse (Deuteronomy 29:19) illustrates that this is a very serious offense! It is not that
the person just happened to do something that was wrong.
There are people who cause others emotional pain in various ways and when they are rebuked, they claim,
"I always do this. This the way those people should be treated." If someone creates for himself principles that
are based on selfishness and callousness, he will not merely cause suffering just a few times.
He will repeat what he does over and over again. Since he has not lost his temper, but premeditatedly decides
to act this way, he will not regret the harm he causes.
Our behavior towards others should not be based on our faults and negative character traits formulated into
a policy. We must study the Torah to know the elevated behavior that is our obligation and then incorporate
the Torah standards into our life.
WOW!! What a message. Check out the precious smile. Would like to meet the parents and ones that are encouraging and working to make this young ones life the very best.