The mindreading machine that can listen to the 'voices in your head'
California scientists believe they have found a way to read our minds, using a computer program that can decode brain activity in our brains that creates the 'voice in our head'and put it into words.
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1 November 2014
Water good idea! Bottle turns air into liquid as you ride your bike
Kristof Retezár, an industrial design student at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna came up with the idea for the Fontus bottle, for which he was a finalist in the 2014 James Dyson Award.
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29 November 2014
Obama: May Hanukkah Embolden Us to Do What is Right
U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday sent Jews around the world his traditional greeting in honor of the holiday of Hanukkah.
Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, began on Tuesday evening.
"Over the eight nights of Hanukkah, Jews across America, Israel, and the world will remember an ancient triumph of freedom over oppression, and renew their faith in the possibility of miracles large and small," said Obama.
"Even in the darkest, shortest days of winter, the Festival of Lights brims with possibility and hope. The courage of the Maccabees reminds us that we too can overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. The candles of the Menorah remind us that even the smallest light has the power to shine through the darkness. And the miracle at the heart of Hanukkah – the oil that lasted for eight nights instead of only one – reminds us that even when the future is uncertain, our best days are yet to come," he added.
"May this Hanukkah embolden us to do what is right, shine a light on the miracles we enjoy, and kindle in all of us the desire to share those miracles with others. From my family to yours, Chag Sameach," concluded Obama.
Introducing a 3D-printed menorah, fostering interest in tech-savvy ideas with Jewish themes