Don't Cause Pain, Give Pleasure
Marriage can be either the source of life's greatest joys... or the root of much misery, even tragedy.
In San Diego, we have a rock singer that hired someone to try to kill his wife!
There is a five-word formula that is the key to a joyous marriage. "Don't cause pain, give pleasure." Both with words and deeds, be careful not to cause your spouse needless pain. And do as much as you can to give your spouse pleasure. Your capacity for kindness is unlimited!
Love Yehuda Lave
Marriage can be either the source of life's greatest joys... or the root of much misery, even tragedy.
In San Diego, we have a rock singer that hired someone to try to kill his wife!
There is a five-word formula that is the key to a joyous marriage. "Don't cause pain, give pleasure." Both with words and deeds, be careful not to cause your spouse needless pain. And do as much as you can to give your spouse pleasure. Your capacity for kindness is unlimited!
Love Yehuda Lave
Numbers 1:1 - 4:20
In the Sinai Desert, G-d says to conduct a census of the twelve tribes of Israel. Moses counts 603,550 men of draft-able age (20 to 60 years); the tribe of Levi, numbering 22,300 males age one month and older, is counted separately. The Levites (I am a Levi as well) are to serve in the Sanctuary, replacing the firstborn, whose number they approximated, who were disqualified when they participated in the worshiping of the Golden Calf. The 273 firstborn who lacked a Levite to replace them had to pay a five-shekel "ransom" to redeem themselves.
When the people broke camp, the three Levite clans dismantled and transported the Sanctuary, and reassembled it at the center of the next encampment. They then erected their own tents around it: the Kehatites (one of the three clans), who carried the Sanctuary's vessels (the ark, menorah, etc.) in their specially designed coverings on their shoulders, camped to its south; the Gershonites (2nd clan), in charge of its tapestries and roof coverings, to its west; and the families of Merrari (third clan), who transported its wall panels and pillars, to its north. Before the Sanctuary's entranceway to its east were the tents of Moses, Aaron and Aaron's sons.
Beyond the Levite circle, the twelve tribes camped in four groups of three tribes each. To the east were Judah (pop. 74,600), Issachar (54,400) and Zebulun (57,400); to the south, Reuben (46,500), Simeon (59,300) and Gad (45,650); to the west, Ephraim (40,500), Menasseh (32,200) and Benjamin (35,400); and to the north, Dan (62,700), Asher (41,500) and Naphtali (53,400). This formation was kept also while traveling. Each tribe had its own nassi (prince or leader), and its own flag with its tribal color and emblem.
Bamidbar(Numbers 1:1-4:20)
Torah Teasers Parshat Bamidbar
1. A major census is recounted in the parsha. Where else in the book of Numbers is there a census of the Jews?
In parshas Pinchas, in the last year of the 40-year journey in the desert, another census is taken of the Jews (Numbers 26:1).
2. Which nasi (tribal leader) has the same first name as a nasi (national president) in the time of the second Temple?
Gamliel ben Pedatzur, from the tribal of Menasheh (Numbers 1:10), shares a first name with the famous nasi and great sage of the second Temple era - Rabban Gamliel.
3. In this parsha, with respect to which two people does the Torah explicitly state that he has no sons?
The Torah states that the eldest sons of Aharon, Nadav and Avihu, have no sons of their own (Numbers 3:4).
4. Which nasi (tribal leader) is the brother-in-law of Aharon the High Priest?
Nachshon ben Aminadav, the tribal leader of Yehudah, is the brother-in-law of Aharon. Aharon is married to Elisheva, the sister of Nachshon (Exodus 6:23).
5. Which two people in this parsha are explicitly called a "firstborn"?
Reuven, the son of Yaakov (Numbers 1:20), and Nadav the son of Aharon (Numbers 3:2), are each called a firstborn.
6. Whose death is mentioned in this parsha? (2 answers)
The deaths of Nadav and Avihu are mentioned (Numbers 3:4).
7. Which of the 10 plagues is mentioned in this parsha?
The deaths of the Egyptian first born is referenced in the law of redemption of first born sons (Numbers 3:13).
8. Which relative of Moshe shares the name of an ancient city in the land of Israel?
Number 3:19 mentions Moshe's uncle Chevron (the brother of Moshe's father Amram), who shares the name of a well-known ancient city in the land of Israel where the Patriarchs and Matriarchs are buried (Genesis 23:19).
9. The name of which "mysterious" animal appears six times in this parsha?
Before being transported, many of the Tabernacle vessels are covered with skins of the tachash animal (Numbers 4:6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14). The identity of this animal is not conclusively known (see Rashi - Exodus 25:5).
10. Which five members of the same immediate family have names that begin with the same Hebrew letter?
Five members of Aharon's family the High Priest all have names beginning with the letter alef: Aharon, his wife Elisheva, and their three sons: Avihu, Elazar and Itamar.
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God's creation is full of awesome sights!
HereAreSome Of Nature's Most Beautiful. Enjoy! :)
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